Rapid.What are the symptoms of that?
Hi guys, you're unemployed with immediate effect, oh and by the way you're also homeless.
Hi guys, you're unemployed with immediate effect, oh and by the way you're also homeless.
Few thoughts:
-The WHO decided on the name COVID-19 so it wouldn't be associated with any particular country.
-People who say 'I don't believe in conspiracy theories but' believe in conspiracy theories.
-The only evidence the so called Spanish Flu didn't originate with a chicken farmer in the US is the kind of evidence that anti-vaxxers would jump on.
Did a tour of Margate today. Fairly quite. Not many people wearing masks, a few but 1% at most I'd guess. Morrisons, Aldi and Iceland were pretty empty of stock (no canned goods and no loo roll), I'm okay food wise I was just looking really.
Down to my last two cans of chopped tomatoes. None in the supermarkets. Went to a small Afro-Caribbean shop, they had plenty at 50p a tin so I bought 2. Went to an Asian shop and although I have 4 rolls of loo roll they had loads so I bought another 4 pack for £1.50.
There's loads out there if you look. All this was within 10 mins walk of my flat, albeit in different directions.
Today was Mini's last day of school full stop. End. Over.
No idea whether he will get decent grades as no advice is being given on that either. No big final day party as they leave. The year that never finished.
Cheers Gav, I'll take a shit on your doorstep next time I need to walk up to meet Dan for a pint at the Bull.
Hope you popped into Transmission records on your travels!!
Walked past it twice today, twas shut.
Oh I used to haunt record shops all the time. I made sure that I bought at least one album a week since I was about 17 (and I'm 46 now). I was a regular in a place in Derby for years, so much so that the owners just started giving me discount! Can't remember the name.
Sadly, although I still have a record deck and a large collection of vinyl I don't use it any more. I've replaced most of the vinyl with CD's that I then rip to my required quality (it's cheaper than buying them digitally).
I still buy a lot of music, both old and new, but my days of going to shops for it have long gone. Sad. Yes I used to love finding something I hadn't thought of buying in a shop and it was great getting it home and playing it but it's too convenient to use the net.
For example I stumbled across Pretty Like Drugs by QueenAdreena on YouTube. I remembered them but never got anything by them at the time. A quick search revealed that a lot of the lead singers stuff was deleted. A week or two later and I had everything KatieJane Garside has ever released. You just can't do that in a shop.
Thats one of the reasons Transmission (spencer) puts the most limited versions of their mondo records in the shop only.
If you dont go to Margate you aint getting it (unless you pay ££ off someone who went to Margate)
Record shop junkie here im afraid, just reading online "if you like this you'll love this" makes my piss boil...
Dont need an algorithm to get me too buy stuff.
Different now of course, but i cant tell ya how many record's i picked up on cover art alone over the years.
Good man [emoji106]It may have got missed earlier but I'm offering free help for any kids studying French/German up to and including A-Level. Not a penny asked for (you can chuck some money at a Wolverhampton/Codsall food bank if you like I suppose), I think it's important that people share skills at a time like this. We need society.
Just ask and I'll do what I can.
Problem with that is in the new GCSE's there is very little coursework. Nothing in English, Maths, History, Spanish, Science all of which my daughter is taking. Mocks are just past papers so could have been found online beforehand if someone wanted to, so essentially it's going to come down to teacher's predicted grades and then trying to find some sort of evidence to stand that up.Same here.
Seems gcse's are going to be decided on mocks, course work and teacher assessment's with maybe some exams taken if there is an appeal (from parents i assume)
Of course, i assume some kids wouldn't bother revising for mocks and it's come back to bite them now.
Our lad is setup online for lessons starting from next week but when all theyve been doing is getting ready for exams it seems a pointless exercise now.
Teachers are well and truly gutted.
It may have got missed earlier but I'm offering free help for any kids studying French/German up to and including A-Level. Not a penny asked for (you can chuck some money at a Wolverhampton/Codsall food bank if you like I suppose), I think it's important that people share skills at a time like this. We need society.
Just ask and I'll do what I can.
Problem with that is in the new GCSE's there is very little coursework. Nothing in English, Maths, History, Spanish, Science all of which my daughter is taking. Mocks are just past papers so could have been found online beforehand if someone wanted to, so essentially it's going to come down to teacher's predicted grades and then trying to find some sort of evidence to stand that up.