That might be due to the government making the rules, ignoring the rules, not knowing what to do to get areas out of lockdown, giving a week advance notice of impending lockdowns, ie pubs close at 11pm Wednesday, causing loads of people to go out on the piss for a last hurrah, then hanging about for transport home, U turning on stuff, in the end nobody knows what's going on, what to do, so everyone just does what they normally do.
Wales was in lockdown with no travel from England, I went for a job interview and practical assessment surely I should have been told don't bother, and the job advertised after or when the pandemic eases off?
I still distance as best I can in shops, wear my mask and get funny looks for wearing one, most seem to have given up wearing them, or just wear them wrong, because Covid doesn't enter your uncovered nose if you wear a mask, who knew?