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Jersey will begin to move through the Level 3 measures of its Safe Exit Framework with effect from tomorrow (Monday 11 May), following the signing of new Orders by the Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf.

Following medical advice, Level 3 will still include a Stay Home instruction, with Islanders now permitted outside their homes for a maximum of six hours a day where they may meet with five people who are not from their household. Later in Level 3, if COVID-19 remains under control, these restrictions on personal movement will be further eased.

Islanders will have more options of things to do when they are outside but are reminded that they must adhere to the guidelines still in force. This includes maintaining strict two-metre physical distancing when outside the home.

People who are extremely vulnerable to serious complications of COVID-19 (those with serious underlying medical conditions, who will have been contacted individually by their GP) are still advised to shield themselves.

People vulnerable, but not ‘extremely vulnerable’ to serious complications of COVID-19 (those with less severe medical conditions), continue to be advised to be especially careful when outside the home. The guidance no longer categorises over 65s by default into this vulnerable group, but they should still rigorously follow public health guidelines.

The move through Level 3 will allow for some phased increases in business trading in certain circumstances, if two-metre physical distancing can be maintained and all hygiene, health and safety requirements are met.

From Monday 11 May:

Islanders may be outside their homes for up to six hours in total each day and may meet outside with five people, per day, who are not from their household

Restaurants and cafés can operate physically-distanced outdoor seated food service

Open air recreational sites can welcome visitors, excluding their indoor enclosed areas (except for purposes of entry and exit)

Large, non-essential retail shops are also able to reopen (those with a retail sales area of at least 700 square metres), provided they maintain two-metre physical distancing.

Public health guidance is published tomorrow for businesses and organisations in each of these sectors, affording detailed advice on opening and operating safely while the pandemic continues.

Unless providing care, Islanders must still not visit other people in their homes. Cloth masks continue to be advised when in public indoor spaces (like shops).

Deputy Renouf said: “This weekend has shown us the best of Jersey and I call on Islanders to continue to protect our Liberation generation by following the advice and staying home.

“I have signed updated Orders to begin the phased and measured exit from Level 4. Islanders’ adherence to the lockdown has been a great expression of Jersey’s character and we will not rush into moves that could endanger the health of our most vulnerable.

“From last week’s antibody study, we know that only a small proportion of the population has been infected at this time. This shows our success in limiting the spread of the virus so far, but also tells us that we must be careful when lifting restrictions, to make sure that we avoid a sudden or rapid outbreak of new cases.

“The phased relaxation will follow medical advice on how to best move through the levels of the framework, so we are making sure Islanders’ physical and mental wellbeing is protected and enhanced while continuing our response to the virus.

“We must protect Islanders and our finite health services by spending our time outside safely and continuing to shield the severely vulnerable. The Government will monitor the situation closely and medical advice will guide any new relaxations through Level 3.”
Best one yet. Though you could replace ‘billionaires’ with ‘Tory Party Donors’
I'm not sure where they get this idea that people are delirious with joy about getting 80% of their pay? .

Well IDS thinks everyone getting benefits is happy with the £93 or whatever it is and have no desire to return to work every again whilst getting such an easy ride in life, so the 80% of their pay up to £2500 must be keeping him awake at night
Well IDS thinks everyone getting benefits is happy with the £93 or whatever it is and have no desire to return to work every again whilst getting such an easy ride in life, so the 80% of their pay up to £2500 must be keeping him awake at night

the lazy proles will only spend it on booze and fags if you give them anymore.I for one would welcome a return to the days when you could beat your servants for sport and rights for workers was only something they got when your left fist got too bruised
The explanation of Stay Alert is brilliant. A load of points that could be summed up by just using "STAY AT HOME"
"The UK sent about 50,000 coronavirus samples to the US after “operational issues” meant they could not be processed in British laboratories.

The news comes after testing once again fell below the target of 100,000 a day: in the 24 hours to 9am on Saturday morning only 96,878 tests had been carried out – the seventh day in a row where the target was missed."

Slogan chat on Twitter painful. Tory lovers defending them saying “it’s obvious what stay alert means, only an idiot wouldn’t know”. None tories sticking the boot in.

Everyone knows the rules, they haven’t (or barely) changed FFS. But “Stay Alert” is literally the shittest thing I’ve ever seen, and has no relevance to any of the rules.

So yeah, I get the message, it’s not hard. But the slogan is still fucking terrible [emoji1787]

that's about the size of it.

"Prime Minister, given the effect it had, do you now regret telling people it was safe to to return to a normal way of life?"

"I said no such thing, we listened to the science and our message was clear. Stay alert, protect the NHS , save lives"
Personally I don't give a flying fuck about slogans, just follow the advice.

More importantly Germany is reporting a rise in infections and R has gone above 1. Surely lifting some of the restrictions a few days ago wouldn't have given rise to a reported increase in infections yet?
It's not the fact the government is using snappy slogans I have an issue with , its the ambiguity, the way it's been communicated via the media and the use of the same kind of coded language Donald Trump is fond of using. " I'm not saying X, but you know that what I'm saying is X really"
I don't see anything ambiguous in the messages, just ignore the flim flam and stay the fuck away from people
I don't see anything ambiguous in the messages, just ignore the flim flam and stay the fuck away from people

You don't, but plenty of people will. Messaging matters. Subtle things like changing the colours and removing explicit "Stay Home" messages matter. If none of this mattered, marketing wouldn't exist as a career or a concept.

Nothing has changed but Boris can't back down from his big moment or admit he was wrong. So for no gain whatsoever, we've weakened what we're saying to the population and it's quite likely to have consequences.
I don't see anything ambiguous in the messages, just ignore the flim flam and stay the fuck away from people

In UK law Red instructs on dangerous behaviour
Yellow is a warning.
Green is used to indicate No Danger - return to normal
UK Law.jpg