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Trump's economic advisor has called the MAGA protestors the modern day Rosa Parks'
Copied and pasted the first couple of paragraphs:

"Conservative activists cheered on in some cases by Donald Trump are vowing to step up street protests against lockdowns imposed to stop the spread of coronavirus, arguing the restrictions violate their civil rights and threaten their ability to earn a living.
The demonstrations in recent days have echoes of the anti-establishment agitation that led to the rise of the Tea Party movement a decade ago, and have involved activists who customarily espouse more traditional rightwing causes — such as the fight against gun control measures.
Denny Tubbs, 67, a local leader of Ohio Stands United, a gun rights group, said he would attend a protest on Saturday in the state capital of Columbus against closures ordered by Mike DeWine, a Republican governor."

Trump is actively agitating for a insurrection against state government. The "man" needs putting down to be fair.
yesterday I found out a work colleagues husband passed away after contracting covid-19. His health hadn't been good for a year or two, and she'd taken time off work to care for him, and simply spend some time with him. After contracting the virus, she wasn't allowed contact with him. I bet she's in bits.

today would have been the first bowls match of the season. I sent a text round to all the players, just to say stay safe, and I looked forward to seeing them. Got a reply back advising one of our players was on a ventilator and induced coma. He was a sound lad as well, self employed as a handyman, and did work at my house when I bought it. He was funny too. He died this afternoon. We were similar ages.

It's getting awfully close to home.
Sunday Times seem to have turned on Johnson. A report saying he didn't bother turning up to Covid meetings and didn't work weekends prior to lockdown
Sunday Times seem to have turned on Johnson. A report saying he didn't bother turning up to Covid meetings and didn't work weekends prior to lockdown

The cynic in me think that Johnson has change his tune on the NHS and Cummings et al still want to cut it to ribbons and so they've got the long knives out already.
The optimist in me says Dominic Cummings is fecked off the man he put in power exposed him to CV-19, let him down by acting like a prig and is now leaking stories about the reality of Boris actions once in charge to the press. There was conflict emerging before the crisis and quotes attributed to ' a number ten advisor' or a ' a source close to the PM' have historically been believed to be DC.

Anyone that thinks the current shit show is 'classic Dom' clearly doesn't know him very well. When he turns on someone, he turns on them
The cynic in me think that Johnson has change his tune on the NHS and Cummings et al still want to cut it to ribbons and so they've got the long knives out already.

I think you have called it spot on. But, and its a but like Kim Khardashian on steroids, we haven't beaten this virus or past the peak yet. Boris being I'll may have changed his whole ethos. Hell someone is going to have to pay for all this and taxes have to be raised at last! The silly low tax UK days are over. Perhaps in the near future we as a public will realise that infrastructure and the NHS costs but is ultimately incredible value for money.
DC has a young child that he adores that Boris exposed to a deadly disease for a photo opportunity. He got Boris into power to make a massive change to the current political system. Don't discount its him
Trump is actively agitating for a insurrection against state government. The "man" needs putting down to be fair.

I absolutely despise Trump in almost every way, but this kind of comment is not on, it's never been on, and it never will be on.
A survey done on a town in Italy showed 43% of people infected were asymptomatic. They did two lots of testing 14 days apart and the asymptomatic people didn't present symptoms during those 14 days


I really think we're missing a key fact about this virus for it to be able to kill large volumes of people but other, significant amounts of people, don't even know they have it

Edit. 43% asymptomatic makes contact tracing really difficult

Hope somebody can ascertain how long immunity lasts. Getting to the point where decisions on lifting lockdown are to be made so that fine line between virus deaths and the socio-economic affects of continued lockdown.

Italy entered lockdown 9.3.20 and they are seeing mortality rate appx 500 per day
Spain entered lockdown 14.3.20 and they are seeing mortality rate appx 600 per day
UK entered lockdown 23.3.20 and they are seeing mortality rate appx 850 per day

Lockdown to mid May and the financial packags are in place until June I think. If the graphs continue the course (reduction appx 100 deaths a week) by mid June it may be beaten (for now) which suggests Johnson's 12 week target may be met. Chances are by then they'll have a greater understanding of immunity and reliable antibody test available.
I absolutely despise Trump in almost every way, but this kind of comment is not on, it's never been on, and it never will be on.

It'll be interesting to see how it plays out in the rebel states who are having their own little Sweden. In anycase The Don will just change the way deaths are recorded. What were Covid deaths will be put down to other circumstances.
Hell someone is going to have to pay for all this and taxes have to be raised at last! The silly low tax UK days are over. Perhaps in the near future we as a public will realise that infrastructure and the NHS costs but is ultimately incredible value for money.

They'll also need more funds to cope with the rise in unemployment and other public services that will be impacted by the virus. Will be interesting to see who gets the bill when this is all over.
Alfie's really sick. He was being treated for a chest infection but his situation has detiorated and he's been in hospital now about 24 hours. He's had a chest xray that has confirmed pneumonia and they're waiting for covid results. He's on oxygen as his sats are low, and IV antibiotics in case the pneumonia is bacterial but it's looking likely its caused by covid. Please don't put anything on Facebook or anything as there's family members that don't know yet. I don't really know why I'm putting it here tbh but there we go. Karen's in hospital with him at the moment, nobody else allowed in. My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. I'm scared and helpless
Hope somebody can ascertain how long immunity lasts. Getting to the point where decisions on lifting lockdown are to be made so that fine line between virus deaths and the socio-economic affects of continued lockdown.

Italy entered lockdown 9.3.20 and they are seeing mortality rate appx 500 per day
Spain entered lockdown 14.3.20 and they are seeing mortality rate appx 600 per day
UK entered lockdown 23.3.20 and they are seeing mortality rate appx 850 per day

Lockdown to mid May and the financial packags are in place until June I think. If the graphs continue the course (reduction appx 100 deaths a week) by mid June it may be beaten (for now) which suggests Johnson's 12 week target may be met. Chances are by then they'll have a greater understanding of immunity and reliable antibody test available.

Re: The immunity thing, has there been confirmed cases of people being clear for a length of time before being reinfected? I.e. more than a few days, like a fortnight or so.

I'm not talking one or two, because you'd expect that, a significant amount

The "no immunity" thing feels like a scare story to me right now which has much more plausible explanations such as using tests which are 70% accurate on a patient whose viral load is decreasing.