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Don't worry about it Will, it's the norm. Not one criticism of the Mail and Express running with "Boris nearly died" bullshit headlines I notice... doesn't fit the agenda
Okay which experts do we need to listen to and on what reasoning are you basing your decision? Does this also mean we cannot state an opinion on here unless we cite an expert ?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but if it's based on Toby Young or any other similar source who opens sentences with ' I'm no Doctor, BUT...' then it's incorrect by default.

When dealing with issues such as Global Pandemics involving extremely deadly diseases , I think it probably is better to listen to experts than anyone else. This isn't football, this like discussing whose your favourite player and why, it's the gravest global crisis I've known in my lifetime. Expressing views that are based based on incorrect information and bad science are not just unwise they are outright dangerous.

It's how people end up burning 5g masts because they believe they give you Coronavirus. I'm not getting aggy with you, I genuinely think that it carries a real danger. As I've said previously, this board gets read a lot more than by just its registered members and I think passing off incorrect facts just because 'you have a feeling' has the potential to influence others views who read yours and take it as read that you must have some solid basis for saying it.

I think in the interest of transparency, it probably is be better to say what helped you come to your conclusions, whether that be a journalist, a website, a media outlet, a scientist or a world renowned expert so that others can judge for themselves whether that opiion should influence their own or not.

I'm not saying that with any anger, or any intent to cause conflict, I'm just trying to be honest.

Who I tend to believe the co morbidity/age argument comes from the Covid 19 Actuaries Response Group which consist of a group of professionals who have spent their careers making assessments of arguments such as that for amongst others some of the worlds largest financial institutes. As Actuaries, they are extremely qualified and extremely good at making decisions on the what and the why of people dying. They're not a group of left socialist no marks with an anti Tory agenda, far from it but they are volunteering their extremely valuable time to address some of the misinformation being put out by people who do have their own agenda in doing so
If yo u were an American, who would you listen to? Dr Anthony Fauci whose served 6 Presidents and is a world renowned independent medical expert or Donald Trump?

Paul (and to a lesser extent you) has made comment whenever "the lefties" on here make any criticism of the governments handling of this crisis claiming an attempt at "scoring political points".
The RWP try to make political gain with their incorrect headlines and it is ignored(by him and you).
Paul's disgraceful "attack" on Machin is unacceptable and again was ignored apart from by Will... Seems Paul can say and insinuate anything he likes and get away with it and you will happily defend him
Whoa there petal, I haven't done anything of the sort.

If you read back I have nothing but contempt for modern journalism and the press.
Paul (and to a lesser extent you) has made comment whenever "the lefties" on here make any criticism of the governments handling of this crisis claiming an attempt at "scoring political points".
The RWP try to make political gain with their incorrect headlines and it is ignored(by him and you).
Paul's disgraceful "attack" on Machin is unacceptable and again was ignored apart from by Will... Seems Paul can say and insinuate anything he likes and get away with it and you will happily defend him

Paul just lobs hand grenades for posts and walks away, he's little more than Frank MKII. He'll stay quiet till the cycle restarts in a day or two.
One example of an opinion I'd trust on the economic impact of lock-down, which, a lot of people are expressing an opinion on without also saying why they believe it to be true. It's a subject widely discussed in the media with certain sections stating it is an absolute fact that the economy will be irreparably wrecked if it isn't lifted now and as a result being widely propagated online

Europe Economic Policy for Covid 19 Crisis.jpg

Right, you defended cyclists on page 144, 165 posts later the next comment from you is a claim on the persecution of cyclists, out of the blue, no one had prompted it, no one had provoked it, here's nearly 1000 people a day dying but your main worry is the name of cycling being besmirched, do you not think my comment was valid on those grounds ?
Paul just lobs hand grenades for posts and walks away, he's little more than Frank MKII. He'll stay quiet till the cycle restarts in a day or two.

No I'm just trying to provide some balance because if i was just left to you lot the virus would be a a Tory plot to gain Richard Branson more wealth with the help of the right wing media !
here's nearly 1000 people a day dying but your main worry is the name of cycling being besmirched,

I don’t think that is a very fair thing to say at all, I would hope it doesn’t reflect your actual thoughts.

We can’t just focus on death tolls continually, as that way leads to madness. It doesn’t mean people don’t care though.
Right, you defended cyclists on page 144, 165 posts later the next comment from you is a claim on the persecution of cyclists, out of the blue, no one had prompted it, no one had provoked it, here's nearly 1000 people a day dying but your main worry is the name of cycling being besmirched, do you not think my comment was valid on those grounds ?

I was just continuing the conversation that I was involved with yesterday with new information that I hadn't seen at the time of posting on page 144.

Sorry if my timing made me appear callus.
I was just continuing the conversation that I was involved with yesterday with new information that I hadn't seen at the time of posting on page 144.

Sorry if my timing made me appear callus.

I myself must apologise, I had just come off a ranty phone call to my Mom, who has no immune system and decided to pop next door to her neighbours to borrow some milk, yours was the first post I saw and I'm afraid you got the tail end of it !

I can assure you here is no one i respect more on this site for defending the rights of their fellow man / woman so the thought of you being callus is absurd.
I will make it up one day by buying you one of he poncy beers your so fond of :)
Paul just lobs hand grenades for posts and walks away, he's little more than Frank MKII. He'll stay quiet till the cycle restarts in a day or two.

There's really no need for this. I've seen a few of these snide attacks of late and there's no need.
'RWP' always makes me think there's another Wright-Phillips brother knocking around that escaped my attention.
always makes me laugh how people think the RWP make political gain, as if that’s somehow different to the LWP...

We don’t really have much LWP though, the Guardian and possibly the Mirror? They don’t really compare for access and coverage to the papers owned by tax exiles.
'RWP' always makes me think there's another Wright-Phillips brother knocking around that escaped my attention.
Was just about to post the same!

Roland Wright-Phillips and his poorer, socialist twin Leon Wright-Phillips

I'm off to eat some bland pasta...
Doesn’t Shaun Wright-Phillips have a kid in the Blackburn youth set up?

Just checked and yeah he’s on loan from City’s youth team. D’Margio Wright Phillips. Feel old yet?

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I'd contend that half of the sensible people are quite correct. Nipping out to buy chocolate doesn't in anyway fit in with the spirit of Govt guidelines at all. Would you call it an essential journey? The point of the lock down is to minimise contact with others, the more people go out on a whim the more contact with others they have.

If you've had kids cooped up in the house several weeks then yes I would consider making sure they have eggs and as "normal" an Easter as possible essential