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Francois Balloux, professor of computational systems biology and the director of the University College London genetics institute, said:

“I personally, cannot see any viable alternative to ensuring immunity builds up in the population, through infection or vaccination. What is critical is to minimise hospital overload, to ensure mortality is kept as low as possible. There was a window of opportunity earlier in the Covid-19 pandemic, where it could have been controlled. We missed it, for various reasons, ranging from lack of preparedness to complacency. We should analyse our failings in the future, but now is not the time for blame.”

Spot on that is.

My own view is that population immunity will happen quicker than a vaccine
Kier Starmer said this morning that now is not the time for carping from the sidelines. He's right.

Are you related to a Conservative politician or something? Have you ever considered therapy to understand why you feel an urge to be so aggressive toward anything you deem to be critical of the Conservative Party, regardless of whether it is or not? I politely requested that you stop with the personal attacks, which inevitably occur when you don't actually have anything to counter a statement with.

I would kindly request once more, that unless I'm addressing you directly, you refrain from mounting a personal attack solely based on the fact that any belief or opinion contradicting your own is automatically irrelevant, incorrect, non factual.

Spot on that is.

My own view is that population immunity will happen quicker than a vaccine

There are some American nutbars that I know that have been saying for a while that some people seem to be genetically pre disposed to getting a very nasty dose of CV-19 when infected ( because they believe this is a chinese made bio weapon mainly) but apparently, there may be some medical evidence to back this up as being true. If it IS true, a planned population infection would be highly risky for anyone with that genetic disposition. But I really don't fancy being locked up for 18 months while an effective vaccine is developed. rock/hard place
Applaud Hancocks stance, not so good for those of us obeying Govt guidelines though.
Give em enough rope, and they'll hang us all.


Well going on previous statements that are loaded with "we don't want to do this but..." it has been swiftly followed by them doing it.

Shame a small % of our country are unable to grasp this.
Are you related to a Conservative politician or something? Have you ever considered therapy to understand why you feel an urge to be so aggressive toward anything you deem to be critical of the Conservative Party, regardless of whether it is or not? I politely requested that you stop with the personal attacks, which inevitably occur when you don't actually have anything to counter a statement with.

I would kindly request once more, that unless I'm addressing you directly, you refrain from mounting a personal attack solely based on the fact that any belief or opinion contradicting your own is automatically irrelevant, incorrect, non factual.


Ok so if he can't I will

How many man hours to you spend trolling for ammunition ?
You cannot end a personal attack with polite request to stop personal attacks
Google both patronising and condescending
Don't come on to a public forum telling people who can and cannot post
I've only been going out for a walk at weekends cos I've been putting loads of hours in at work midweek, certainly in Newport area I've noticed there have been significantly less people out and about this weekend than last....so far. Also on yesterdays and this mornings walk, I was parallel to the A41 for about 15 minutes which is a pretty busy route normally, yesterday I estimate traffic was about 20% and today I saw 2 cars, 1 van and 1 bicycle. Maybe people are starting to conform.....or maybe they're all at the beach already?
Ok so if he can't I will

How many man hours to you spend trolling for ammunition ?
You cannot end a personal attack with polite request to stop personal attacks
Google both patronising and condescending
Don't come on to a public forum telling people who can and cannot post

Well said Paul.
Are you related to a Conservative politician or something? Have you ever considered therapy to understand why you feel an urge to be so aggressive toward anything you deem to be critical of the Conservative Party, regardless of whether it is or not? I politely requested that you stop with the personal attacks, which inevitably occur when you don't actually have anything to counter a statement with.

I would kindly request once more, that unless I'm addressing you directly, you refrain from mounting a personal attack solely based on the fact that any belief or opinion contradicting your own is automatically irrelevant, incorrect, non factual.


You get that it's a public forum, yeah?
Ok so if he can't I will

How many man hours to you spend trolling for ammunition ?
You cannot end a personal attack with polite request to stop personal attacks
Google both patronising and condescending
Don't come on to a public forum telling people who can and cannot post

If reading official government documents, reports and summaries and holding open discussions with Professors in relevant fields, eminent economists and members of think tanks instead of digesting and automatically accepting messaging being put out by the media who may well have their own agenda is trolling then yes, guilty as charged.

I'm not telling anyone that they can or cannot post on a public message board, just requesting that if they insist on replying to things that i myself post either as a statement or as a response to another user that they at least have something to add to the discussion that isn't a personal attack based on the fact they believe the initial statement is at odds with their own political statements, whether that be true or not.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If I'm going to be attacked on that basis, I will reserve the right to respond in kind, which i haven't actually fully done . I've addressed the behaviour being displayed, and why I believe it to be a bit beyond the pail. Can you please highlight to me where I have ever said 'typical tory' or ' take your blue sunglasses of sunshine' ?

I will apologise wholeheartedly for any instance you can find. As I would expect you to if you end up empty handed.

This isn't the time for flame wars. I'm not the one constantly trying to start one. If a person is unable to discuss current affairs without opening up with insults then perhaps they're not for that particular individual
If reading official government documents, reports and summaries and holding open discussions with Professors in relevant fields, eminent economists and members of think tanks instead of digesting and automatically accepting messaging being put out by the media who may well have their own agenda is trolling then yes, guilty as charged.

I'm not telling anyone that they can or cannot post on a public message board, just requesting that if they insist on replying to things that i myself post either as a statement or as a response to another user that they at least have something to add to the discussion that isn't a personal attack based on the fact they believe the initial statement is at odds with their own political statements, whether that be true or not.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If I'm going to be attacked on that basis, I will reserve the right to respond in kind, which i haven't actually fully done . I've addressed the behaviour being displayed, and why I believe it to be a bit beyond the pail. Can you please highlight to me where I have ever said 'typical tory' or ' take your blue sunglasses of sunshine' ?

I will apologise wholeheartedly for any instance you can find. As I would expect you to if you end up empty handed.

This isn't the time for flame wars. I'm not the one constantly trying to start one. If a person is unable to discuss current affairs without opening up with insults then perhaps they're not for that particular individual

Given social distancing, you can’t resolve this with a scrap, so how about pistols at dawn?
Add Alan Sugar to the dick list

I can't for the life of me understand what @piersmorgan is on about in respect to sunbathing. If you are 10ft away from the next person in the open what's wrong with that. In Essex we have big fields if you are in the middle of one chilling out in the sun whats wrong with that?
Add Alan Sugar to the dick list

I can't for the life of me understand what @piersmorgan is on about in respect to sunbathing. If you are 10ft away from the next person in the open what's wrong with that. In Essex we have big fields if you are in the middle of one chilling out in the sun whats wrong with that?

It is truly the end of day, I am agreeing with Piers Morgan.
Bit of positive news from Spain, deaths down to 674 today which I think is the fourth day in a row its reduced, early days I know and 674 is still horrendous but its going in the right direction
Bit of positive news from Spain, deaths down to 674 today which I think is the fourth day in a row its reduced, early days I know and 674 is still horrendous but its going in the right direction

That's some very good news. Have they said when they think they'll be able to end their isolation policies etc? Should be a good indicator of when ours might be lifted
That's some very good news. Have they said when they think they'll be able to end their isolation policies etc? Should be a good indicator of when ours might be lifted

Didn't say, but I would expect that to be a long way off yet
That is an unfortunate by-product because he went (and followed good advice in doing so) down a different path. The delay from that point until the Imperial College advice changed and we went for the current suppression tactic was always going to have an effect in the figures. That isn't his fault, per se.