And to pick up the point some on here have made, it's not in the interests of the big corporates (and a lot of smaller businesses) to have immigration come down. Any government will have to balance the desire of a section of a population to see immigration fall and the economic requirement for...
Not going to discuss the moderation stuff, but on the bit in bold, us Remoaners have asked repeatedly what the potential benefits of leaving will be and had virtually no response. This is why it appears as one-sided as you describe. When Cyber did try to back up his points with something more...
I think a lot of Remainers on here would agree that the overtly capitalist/corporate nature of the EU is far from ideal, but have come to the conclusion that the political reality in the UK means that leaving is not going to turn the UK into some sort of workers paradise (which seems to be the...
I could if she explained why a treeless environment was so important. I mean, I'd have to question the entire basis of our marriage if it turned out that she was really anti-leaf, but I'd give her a fair hearing.
OK, you've done your research, great. And what has your research told you? How will life improve for those you are most concerned about? I know you can't be certain - but using your best judgement, what do you see ahead? That's not an unreasonable question to ask of someone who has so...
Thanks for telling me what I mean. Shame you're wrong.
I mean, "As a person of influence, what I say will have an impact so therefore I should make sure I've thought it through before I go gobbing off." This of course applies more to people who've actually won elections. As you may have...
a) give me someone with the capacity to think about what they say before they say it any time
b) he never has to take any responsibility for what he says, so can spout any old shite with impunity - elected politicians don't have that luxury (or shouldn't have - some seem to have forgotten recently)
I don't know much about pharma regulation, but I imagine if new medicines aren't tested to the standard required by the EU, it's unlikely that they'll be legal for sale in the EU. So that's that little market off the books. US regulation is pretty shit hot too, I think, so they won't be too...
Given that he admitted to having no prior knowledge of football, he was hardly likely to come in and sack everybody and install new people immediately. That would have been madness.
At his level it's about getting the right people in the right roles and making sure they do their job effectively...
I agree it's not what it used to be, but it's not down to cocoa content which was around 25% in old Cadbury's if I recall correctly. Maybe they're only using a glass rather than a glass-and-a-half.
Look. Just look at what you've done. I hope you're proud of yourselves.
Indeed. We're taking my eldest daughter to see Les Mis for her birthday. Had to sell the youngest daughter to pay for it. Frighteningly expensive.But sold out for months so...
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