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The man who prides himself on making deals wasn't able to able to last night, as the US Government is now shutting down over failure to reach an agreement on a budget.

His presidency is in complete turmoil.
After watching a clip of him saying babies are allowed to be born after 9 months in some states and that needs to stop I am hoping someone can add some context to that because my brain simply can't work out what he was on about.
Apparently he was on about abortions?
I think he got confooosed. Which is fine when you control the worlds largest nuclear arsenal.
After watching a clip of him saying babies are allowed to be born after 9 months in some states and that needs to stop I am hoping someone can add some context to that because my brain simply can't work out what he was on about.
Saw that too, didnt get what he meant either..
Surely there's nowhere that will terminate 9 months into pregnancy? Is he confusing 'born' and 'nine' with 'terminate' and 'four'?
Apparently, he meant to say 'torn' from the mothers womb in the 9th month in reference to late term abortions. Where does this happen???
Pretty much nowhere. Abortions are limited to the earlier weeks. I have no expertise in exactly WHICH week the cut off is in most legal rules but it absolutely ISN'T approaching nine months. Typical Trumpery as far as I can see. The man is a fucking buffoon.
Only chance of a termination that late would be if there was a clear and immediate risk to the mother's life because of pregnancy complications, could he be talking about that? Would certainly appeal to his pro life followers.

Might be worth referring to the Halappanavar case in Ireland if so.
Without wanting to start a shitstorm American business seems to love this bloke. They are already talking 4 more years.
It's a very interesting point. A lot of the American economy is performing strongly. Unemployment is low, results are good. The question is whether this is because of Trump or despite of him, I guess, and that is one I sort of feel I have to leave to the American people to decide.

One thing I would note is that the current shut-down has occurred when the Republicans have a president and also a majority in both houses. That suggests that his support within the party may not be that strong.

I also think that he may get a right twatting in the mid-terms. The anti-Trump vote will be motivated to be out. And that could be why those house majorities are not staying loyal to him.

If he gets through the mid-terms without too much damage below the waterline, and nothing else demonstrates his colossal lack of competence, then he could still be the Republican candidate at the next election. Don't expect the Democrats to put up Hillary against him though. They will surely have learned from that.
I read somewhere the weekend that 'if he fixes or delivers on his candidate promises' he would not run for a 2nd term
It's a very interesting point. A lot of the American economy is performing strongly. Unemployment is low, results are good. The question is whether this is because of Trump or despite of him, I guess, and that is one I sort of feel I have to leave to the American people to decide.

One thing I would note is that the current shut-down has occurred when the Republicans have a president and also a majority in both houses. That suggests that his support within the party may not be that strong.

I also think that he may get a right $#@!ting in the mid-terms. The anti-Trump vote will be motivated to be out. And that could be why those house majorities are not staying loyal to him.

If he gets through the mid-terms without too much damage below the waterline, and nothing else demonstrates his colossal lack of competence, then he could still be the Republican candidate at the next election. Don't expect the Democrats to put up Hillary against him though. They will surely have learned from that.
You would have thought that,but nothing in certain. He is a tit of a person but great for USA decision making and the USA economy at the moment
Yep - I take all those ideas on board cyber, I really do. His big issue for me is when the economy takes a serious hit because he wants to spend all that cash on keeping the spicks* out. Then we have to wonder how he can keep things good financially while spending billions on the Berlin Wall with a texas accent.

*his view gives it that derogatory word and tone, I assure you I wouldn't normally use such language.
The economy here is only really good on a macro scale. Wages are still horribly below living standards, the positions being created are disproportionately hourly rather than salaried, and taxes are being horribly misallocated.

It's a second Gilded Age if ever there was one.
The economy here is only really good on a macro scale. Wages are still horribly below living standards, the positions being created are disproportionately hourly rather than salaried, and taxes are being horribly misallocated.

It's a second Gilded Age if ever there was one.

Yup. It's like when the Tories crow about record employment. But really what that means (over here at least) is that people are working way longer in life than they ever have previously, stay at home parents are increasingly a rarity, we have a bigger population now than we had before and a hell of a lot of people have really really shitty, really really insecure jobs. We also have people who have now been totally cut off from the welfare system, so they don't count as unemployed any more but they also have no work and no income. It's not a good situation.

He can talk about the stock market all he likes, but a) that's of no consequence to most people and b) the Dow Jones has underperformed since Trump came in relative to the results under Obama. Over the last year the other worldwide markets have collectively outperformed New York. Pretty much unheard of.

I'm sure businesses are delighted they're paying lower taxes. Whether that's sustainable or not is another matter. If you're cutting revenues when military spending (for one) is mushrooming then something has to give somewhere.