Just read post #1, when I started this thread about Dave the Dog.
A few years ago in the attic I found a box full of receipts. Vets receipts.
Now don't get me wrong, vets do a great job, no question, but I have to wonder about their fees...
Dave was insured thank God (and fucking annoyingly once he got over 10 years of age their cover dropped from 100% go 70%. What sort of a trick is that? He's entering the age that I'm gonna need the insurance....but anyway) so I took the receipts and added them up.
Given all the skin type shit you get with Westies, given that he had diabetes, given that the little bastard used to eat dead stuff on the beach and fox shit in the grass which used to throw his pancreas into a swollen panic then we reached the lens in his eye, blah blah blah, the total came to a stunning €13,000!!!
We could have had a decent 2nd hand Volvo for that!