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Things that make you SAD thread.

Firm I work for was bidding for 10 school contracts,we've won one,so they've put me on a months notice of redundancy,we do have other work I could go for,but they're 20hr a week contracts,great if you've a pension,and doing it to get out the house for a bit of pocket money,not so great if it's your only income.
I'll just have to get my arse into gear,get my business cards and flyers printed,and push my mobile bike repairs thing a bit harder
That's wheely good mobile bike repairs,I'm on Facebook,fully IMI level 2 qualified,just can't go too far out as I'm towing a trailer behind a bike to start with

Happy to share your FB page mate.
feel free to nip over and like it,let me know whether my prices are reasonable,I'm limited to what I can bring spares wise,and tools wise,it'll be basic servicing mostly,but can do other things if I know in advance,only thing I can't do,is electronic shifting (Di2,Etap) haven't got the laptop or the software
feel free to nip over and like it,let me know whether my prices are reasonable,I'm limited to what I can bring spares wise,and tools wise,it'll be basic servicing mostly,but can do other things if I know in advance,only thing I can't do,is electronic shifting (Di2,Etap) haven't got the laptop or the software

If you're willing to invest in the D-Fly module you can use your phone to setup di2 over bluetooth.
Firm I work for was bidding for 10 school contracts,we've won one,so they've put me on a months notice of redundancy,we do have other work I could go for,but they're 20hr a week contracts,great if you've a pension,and doing it to get out the house for a bit of pocket money,not so great if it's your only income.
I'll just have to get my arse into gear,get my business cards and flyers printed,and push my mobile bike repairs thing a bit harder
That's wheely good mobile bike repairs,I'm on Facebook,fully IMI level 2 qualified,just can't go too far out as I'm towing a trailer behind a bike to start with

So sorry for your news mate, I'll like / share your page even though I'm the least 'bike person' ever !
You've changed,this morning I was dead to you because I don't eat bacon
If you're willing to invest in the D-Fly module you can use your phone to setup di2 over bluetooth.

Ooh I'll look into that for a later date if the whole thing takes off
The day you take anything I say seriously is the day you should give up the internet :)
Come on,give me the credit of knowing it was banter,not serious
I know mate, I got made reduntant before Christmas after 30 years with the same company, just having a couple of months to sort out some health issues and then I don't know what, my skillset although universal was tailored around my specific company, I was that institutionalised when I learned of my fate I had to ask reps what it was like in other offices on a day to day basis, I had no idea.
You have a skill and a dream to pursue it and I honestly wish you the best of luck for the future and I hope you remember me when you're a millionaire :)
Thanks for that,I'd thought it was going to happen,I've been on a term to term contract since I started,been looking for something a bit more secure pretty mich since I started.

And that ladies and gentlemen is post number 2000,in all that time I've written one good post,it's the one my signature underneath is on about,apologies for the 1999 posts of drivel you've had to put up with
The state of Bushbury Crem. Half of it is in good order, but the part by the crem itself where people are planted between the trees is in shit order. I had a bin liner in the car which I filled with dead flowers and dumped in the carpark where they'd get noticed. I feel a harshly worded tweet to Wolves Council coming on.
Not sure where this should go really, but when you hear that a certain person has died, and so finally, finally after what seems like waiting most of my life, I will get to see and keep photos of me and my dad.

Sad that as a child I was not allowed any after he passed away.
Sad that it takes a person to die before I am allowed them.
Happy that they will hopefully bring back memories of me and my dad, together.
Football and what it's become.

I finally get a ST at a time when VAR arrives.

It's not the same anymore.

It also turns me into a foul mouthed fucker. Tonight, I think Paddy would have been proud of me.