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Things that make you SAD thread.

Smethwick is trending on twitter, i wouldn't advise you watch the video

Unfortunately, had already clicked on it before I saw you warning. How sad that all those in the clip seemed almost to act as if nothing unusual was happening.
Unfortunately, had already clicked on it before I saw you warning. How sad that all those in the clip seemed almost to act as if nothing unusual was happening.

I looked to see why smethwick was trending , and the video played. It wasn't marked as potentially offensive or anything. I'm disgusted
What’s happened in smethwick?

20 year old kid murdered ,stabbed in the heart, there were 3 stabbing sin Birmingham yesterday. It almost kicked off again outside the shops my way this morning. It's only a matter of time before that ends in a violent spat. I don't know what caused the murder in Smethwick, the arguments that are happening on my doorstep are being caused by people who don't think the social distancing measures apply to them and become aggressive if anyone adhering to them dares to 'look at them'. I can't see it getting better before it gets worse. I said weeks ago that I could see it getting to this point, I thought it would be the other way round, people observing the guidelines getting aggy with people who aren't, but it looks like it's going to be the other way round with non conformists starting on conformists for making their life difficult. It's quite sad to see.
Saw first video last night and shouted "oh god" when it became obvious what was happening and scrolled and a second video played, the second is of paramedics trying to save the lad. It's just so fucking senseless. I really do hope none of that poor boys friends or family saw his last moments on fucking Twitter.
I received an e-vite to what is an online cremation service today.
There are so many things wrong with that.
Learn't today that a good friend died yesterday - a few years older than I am but not by that many.

Went out for a bike ride & was sitting on a bench half way round having a bit of refreshment then just suddenly keeled over - by the time any help got there he had gone.

Don't know what from (possibly an undiagnosed heart condition) - he always seemed so fit that he put me to shame.

Just take every day you have as a blessing as none of us know when it will end.
Really sorry to hear that Peter... Take care mate
Hubby reaching a big milestone birthday soon. I had had big plans for family and friends around to celebrate. Maybe one day we will get to do this. Just makes me sad that it's just going to pass by like an ordinary lockdown day.
Hubby reaching a big milestone birthday soon. I had had big plans for family and friends around to celebrate. Maybe one day we will get to do this. Just makes me sad that it's just going to pass by like an ordinary lockdown day.

Mind you, I could always get me nurses uniform out :icon_smile:
My brother died yesterday. 53. Leaves a wife and daughter. He had battled illness for a while but the body gave up. Many thanks to Addenbrookes hospital Cambridge and the Royal Papworth for their wonderful efforts.
My brother died yesterday. 53. Leaves a wife and daughter. He had battled illness for a while but the body gave up. Many thanks to Addenbrookes hospital Cambridge and the Royal Papworth for their wonderful efforts.

Sorry to hear that Cyber. Condolences to you and your family.
Awful news Cyber and my thoughts are with you and your family. 53 is no age.
My brother died yesterday. 53. Leaves a wife and daughter. He had battled illness for a while but the body gave up. Many thanks to Addenbrookes hospital Cambridge and the Royal Papworth for their wonderful efforts.

So so sorry mate, there's nothing I can say to make it better, but rest assured I'm thinking about you x
Bloody hell. Cyber firstly I am sorry for your loss. Secondly I am moved to see your second thought is to thank the staff for their care efforts. That’s amazing frankly. I’m a bit in awe of that.