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The Video Games Thread II - The Resurrection

When I get back from France I am going to have a decent go at Dishonoured. All I have really done so far is escape the jail at the start.
When I get back from France I am going to have a decent go at Dishonoured. All I have really done so far is escape the jail at the start.

All I have done is escaped from the jail and subsequent sewer section at the very start.
I got Borderlands 2 on Steam. Haven't been on much but I loved it.
Sounds a bit like the start of Oblivion, not that that is necessarily a bad thing!

It is! And Fallout 3. And I suppose not dissimilar to Skyrim, in that you escape from a pretty perilous situation.
One game I've always wanted to play is Borderlands - my better half raves about it - is it worth the purchase?

I've got Borderlands 2 and it's very good, very good for co-op although seems to make it a lot harder when there are more people playing. Need to play it more but like what I have done.
Dead Rising 2 is very good fun in places but bizarrely, they have kept in the two features that almost ruined the first!

1. The save feature. Utterly dreadful. You have to find a toilet cubicle to save. Get past a key point in the story? Doesn't matter. If you die, you'll have to do it all over again if you didn't find a cubicle. And it's not like cubicles are found all that often.

2. The fact the whole game is 'timed' means you can't spend too long on side quests or annoyingly, you don't have THAT much time to wander round exploring. Hereford Wolf would hate it! Added to that, you need to give your daughter some medicines but can ONLY do this at a specific hour once a day - if you're at the other side of the map, you simply won't have time to get back. Fail one of the campaign tasks by running out of time, game over and back to the last save point.

Why the fuck they have kept these incredibly dated and indescribably frustrating aspects in the game after they were universally slated after the first game is totally beyond me. I think they're serious gaming flaws. Limited saving and time in a sandbox game just doesn't make sense to me.

Shame as when it's good, it's awesome. I recommend the power drill and bucket combination. Fun!!
I hate dead rising 2, it's funny and comical but nope its fooking timed and you don't get to explore all the weapon options before a mission, the only upside is the online is actually fun unlike the main game. Drill helmet is my favourite weapon :D.
You are so right.

Those features are really annoying. Sometimes I wonder if game designers know what people really want

It makes no sense at all. It turns an 8/10 game to a 6/10 at best. I'm not as thorough as you are with exploring places but I do like to wander off the main quests as often as possible. Absolutely crazy.
I got rid of Borderlands 2 - I did enjoy it up to a point, but I got stuck. And when I re-attempted it it took me back miles before where I got stuck, and I had no ammo left, so I couldn't even get back to the point I got stuck at before. I rage sold it :-(

One game I have really enjoyed, bought in the XBL sale, was Tomb Raider. Despite consdering myself a gamer, I hadn't ever played a Tomb Raider game, so I thought i'd give it a whirl. Great game. I even found myself going back into the game after completion to find relics etc, to head towards 100% completion, not something i'm ever usually bothered about.

Really looking forward to GTA V, i've had it on pre order since Nov last year (when it was scheduled for a March release).
Was that the new Tomb Raider? Great game, that. Really enjoyed it.
Shopto.net is my preorder location for GTA V. Best online retailer for preordering games in my opinion.
Agree with that James. ShopTo are excellent. I'll get mine from Game as I've some credit to use. That credit + a few games to trade in + birthday present = GTA V + FIFA 14.

When do GTA and FIFA come out by the way?
September 17th for GTA V

September 27th for current gen Fifa 14. Ps4 & Xbox One will have it as a launch title.
I'm waiting for Fifa 14 to come out on the Ps4 before I buy the game (in other words I'll get really excited a week before it comes out on Ps3 and get it on ps3 and ps4)

GTA V will take up a lot of my time :D I hope the trailers aren't just hype like GTA 4 was, don't get me wrong the game is bloody good but doesn't really have much replay value.
Why buy it twice? That's daft!

I've decided I won't be getting a new console for a good long while. I just can't afford it and TBH there are plenty of very decent games out or coming out for my 360 that will more than suffice. By the time I'm able to get a new console, there will be more games out and it might even be slightly cheaper, and other people will have played both systems so I'll be able to gauge a better opinion on which system to get. Right now, I think it's too early to tell and I'm not committing to one through blind loyalty/fanboydom.