Just don't fall down the stairs this time.
I know Phil, bloody nightmare last time. I hadn't even had a drink!
Just don't fall down the stairs this time.
I know Phil, bloody nightmare last time. I hadn't even had a drink!
If you want you can stay with me - I live in a bungalow
No stairs!!!
Parkin I don't think you could put up with me snoring!
I possibly do as well, though I would deny it as I've never heard myself snoring :icon_biggrin:
I've got a couple of days off at the end of August and we managed to bag train tickets to London for £16 return for the family. Rather than stay in a hotel, we have booked ourselves onto a narrowboat for the night. I'm very excited by this! Also, it's another reason for my co-workers to think my wife and I are a pair of weirdo's which is always a bonus.