Wor Corona gud enuff for ya, ya posh bastard.

Our milkman used to have orange juice and bread as well as the milk.
Corona was the pop my Uncle delivered.
Cream Soda was ace.
:icon_lol: this thread & the dislike thread have been good fun today. Wombat is on TOP form....
BTW any of you feckers want some leaves, my drive is full of em! & I haven't a brush to sweep em up with at the mo - me last one broke and I haven't had the £££ to buy a new one til today.
Used to work as a milkman (19 years old at the time) for Unigate just before Dairy Crest bought it out. I could literally have run a marathon back then with very little training I was as fit as a fiddle running around Bilston with bottles of milk etc - only did it for a year but could write a book on the things that happened - great job crap money
:icon_lol: this thread & the dislike thread have been good fun today. Wombat is on TOP form....
BTW any of you feckers want some leaves, my drive is full of em! & I haven't a brush to sweep em up with at the mo - me last one broke and I haven't had the £££ to buy a new one til today.
You could put a brush in me hands and a rake up me arse and I still wouldn't get on top of all this leaf clearing. Hate it.
You could put a brush in me hands and a rake up me arse and I still wouldn't get on top of all this leaf clearing. Hate it.
Ive seen people blow em (fnarr) with a big thing and other people catch em in a big net thing round my parts (fnarr)
People have been equating "leafy" with being posh and having an easy life. It's not, it's hell on earth. You trying getting your servants to sweep up the leaves without grumbling and threatening revolution - it's most trying!
Will get them up eventually. Dumping them into a composter to make leaf mold.But the big question????
Are you going to waste your time sweeping them onto the pathway* where they will inevitably blow back on your drive or actually pick them up and stick them in the "green" bin.
*Cant fucking believe people do this.
problem is, out back if i don't clear them, i'll end up with areas where the grass dies.You could put a brush in me hands and a rake up me arse and I still wouldn't get on top of all this leaf clearing. Hate it.
problem is, out back if i don't clear them, i'll end up with areas where the grass dies.
Talking of cockles... I popped into jungle jims yesterday and got me a few tubs of cockles. That place is huge! And the selection is pretty good too. Got the kids some woke goodies!!!Mug of mushroom soup. Warms ya cockles.
Talking of cockles... I popped into jungle jims yesterday and got me a few tubs of cockles. That place is huge! And the selection is pretty good too. Got the kids some woke goodies!!!