But I cannot ever accept the depths to which the British media will stoop to get a 'story'. The way they've set him up is absolutely disgusting. Whilst he deserves to lose his job, he doesn't deserve to have those personal, private comments he made about Hodgson, Neville etc plastered all over the place. I think that's totally out of line - two wrongs don't make a right and although they'll no doubt be felating each other over their 'sting', The Telegraph should be utterly ashamed at such gutter press tactics. It makes me livid.
I'm not sure about that mate. It's been common knowledge for years that Allardyce is dodgy (not as much as Redknapp, but not far off) but nailing him on that isn't the easiest thing to do. So if you can engineer a situation to conclusively prove that the guy is totally unfit for the office of national manager, then I would say it's necessary to an extent given the FA don't seem to be overly concerned with due diligence. It also doesn't look like this exposé is limited to Allardyce, they seem ready to dish the dirt on others too.
I don't think it's really stooping to any depths, it's investigative journalism and it's not really a hatchet job, the fat idiot dug his own grave.
Only two junctions up the A38....
From today's telegraph:
Hmm, I wonder which manager has had more backhanders than Wimbledon. Really difficult to work that one out. Anyway, off to take the dog for a walk.
You are wrong, these are new allegations.
Could it be that there were criminal wrongdoings and they can't print names at this time until they get the OK from the police?