Can't think of anywhere else tonput it, but this is real.
Fires as you know, no water or power at the house.
The fire planes and choppers , who actually saved my house, are using my roof as a flight path and flying about 20 metres over the top and then returning lower on their way back.
So, no water no crapper.
You cannot have a crapper with fire raging all around too far from the house, so I dug one at the side, with a nice pile of soil for drills and a bit of wall to hang on to for balance
Well, two days ago, 11am, and needs must. I had just squatted and a formation, I kid you not, 11 fire planes return for the sea in from to my house.
I am just getting started on the new crapper, and no chance to run, , ha ha I can see the pilots faces, have big posters on the fromtnof mynhouse thanking them, and at least half of the fuckers waggled their wings.
I was laughing so much I just waved the extended khazi roll and sat where I was.
Maybe not funny to you, but I hadn't seen a fire plane or chopper all morning and no sooner had I squatted here they were, am still laughing, well, what else can you do!