"Big Yellow Taxi there by Joni Mitchell, a song in which she complains that they 'paved paradise to put up a parking lot' - a measure which actually would have alleviated traffic congestion on the outskirts of paradise. Something which Joni singularly fails to point out, perhaps because it doesn't quite fit in with her blinkered view of the world. Nevertheless, nice song."
The other day me i met up with a mate who was out with some people from his work, they were playing this drinking game where you take a shot if you've done whatever random thing someone cares to mention. There was a kid there who'd done literally nothing so after a while people just started asking him if he'd done this or that, really mundane stuff like getting drunk, he hadn't. So someone came out with what have you actually done? My mate quick as a flash responded with, 'I heard he hit a prostitute'. No-one else in the group had a clue what we were on about but it rendered me and my friend completely useless for a good 15 minutes.
"Better than sitting in a fictional bath, Alan"
"Well it's better than having fictional listeners Dave, or sitting on your own in an actual nightclub, which I've seen you do."
Idea for a programme entitled "Yachting Mishaps". Some funny, some tragic. Presented by that man who was trapped upside down in his hull eating chocolate.
Had a fascinating chat tonight with a man from Spicksworth, he was convinced that in a previous life he'd been Arthur Askey...I pointed out that his and Askey's life had overlapped...And he backed down.
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