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The Advice Thread

New phone contract time at work. Options are i-phone 6 or Samsung Galaxy S5. Any thoughts on which one to go for? I've had the S3 for a while which has been fine, so is there anything that really makes the i-phone stand out?
I have the iphone 5 which as a phone is pretty average and I know people with the Samsung swear by them. I have mine linked to my ipad though which is handy but my missus has a Samsung tablet which uses Android and that works better imo.
I detest iPhones. Android is so much cleaner and easy on the eye.
Opposite for me, I find android a dogs dinner (apart from on the nexus)

That said I prefer windows phones, but that's not an option at work so I have an iPhone.
Android is miles better than iOS IMO. Much easier to customize.
For a work I want one which just works, and doesn't require endless fiddling just to get wifi hotspot to work, for example.
Had to cancel that appointment and it was rearranged for this morning. The Doctor gave a list of things it could be but just to be safe, wrote me a form for an x-ray - so I'm off to the local hospital next week.

Back to the Doctor's today for the X-ray results, only to find there's nothing wrong with my foot other than "the bone is narrower than normal". Arthritis is not being considered due to my age, so I've been referred to a podiatrist. Typically, it's not been bothering me since my first appointment with the Doctor...
Who has had their wisdom teeth out? Are you glad you did? Did it really hurt? Did you get a lot of bruising? Did you have to go into hospital to have them out? I'm told that if I have mine out it will stop my jaw from cracking? Will having my wisdom teeth out make me even more of a thick twat?!
I had one lower wisdom tooth out on one side because it was angling downwards and impacting the next tooth.

Had to go into NHS hospital for it done. But their waiting list was too long so they bumped me up to a private Nuffield Health hospital in Derby. Excellent place. My own room with a TV. It was like a hotel compared to an NHS ward.

The actual op was fine. They have to slice your gum either side to get the tooth out and stitch it back up closed. They painkiller you up about an hour before the op (preventative pain remedy is better than reactive according to the anaesthetist I spoke to beforehand). I was expecting lots of pain once the initial drugs wore off but it was nothing more than a dull ache for a few days. I was on extra strength Ibuprofen at home which managed that.

All in all a positive experience. I've heard horror stories from people who've been in agony though, and I guess it all depends on the individual's pain tolerance and the skill of the guy doing the op.
Who has had their wisdom teeth out? Are you glad you did? Did it really hurt? Did you get a lot of bruising? Did you have to go into hospital to have them out? I'm told that if I have mine out it will stop my jaw from cracking? Will having my wisdom teeth out make me even more of a thick $#@!?!
I dunno how much age impacts things, but all four of mine had to come out and all were impacting.

I had them knock me out which I think is standard procedure anyway. Anyway I was rather sore for the next six days and the numbness didn't totally subside until day two. I remember absolutely nothing about the day of the surgery (anesthesia side effect, I'm told). The worst you can expect is some unpleasant bruising/swelling, uncontrollable slobbering at first, and a highly uninspiring diet.

By the next week it'll be like it never happened (in a good way).
I never suffered any memory loss other than being out for the operation. No problem with food either, but then I only had the one out so could use the other side to chew.

The only time I've had memory loss was with a sedative for a colonoscopy, as they use the family of date rape drugs. Though nowadays the sedatives for colonoscopies are quite mild and relaxing and don't cause any memory loss at all.
Could be different sedatives in the UK than US. Or just something about me personally. I've always been profoundly loopy when coming out of surgery.

In the US I know getting knocked out for a colonoscopy is not the norm, it must be specially requested and not all insurances will cover it.
I have had one of my upper taken out..it was sounding a bit and was not completely straight..they had to work it a bit and i was awake but had shots so didnt feel anything..still, unpleasant experience
No I've never been knocked out for a colonoscopy. The first one I ever had I was so whacked up on goof balls I could have been anywhere. But nowadays you barely notice the drugs, it's just a mild relaxant.
Who has had their wisdom teeth out? Are you glad you did? Did it really hurt? Did you get a lot of bruising? Did you have to go into hospital to have them out? I'm told that if I have mine out it will stop my jaw from cracking? Will having my wisdom teeth out make me even more of a thick twat?!

My wife had one done. Dentist fucked it up and so she had to go and have an operation to remove the rest. She no has now feeling in left hand lower part of her face.
I can feel two coming through at the moment and it's actually very painful ... Will that mean I have to have them out at some point?
Thanks folk for sharing your own personal experiences. Not sure what to do. Mine aren't causing any bother to other teeth, just that ive had a cracking in my jaw which isn't going away. I'm told that if I have the upper and lower ones removed on my right side, the cracking will go ( not really sure I understand how that works but there you go!) . Really don't know what to do :(. The thought of having them removed scares me as they are big buggers and hate anything to do with teeth!)

To Young'un,all of my wisdom teeth were extremely painful while they were coming through but they have never given me any trouble, well up to now!

Thanks again for all your posts.
I can feel two coming through at the moment and it's actually very painful ... Will that mean I have to have them out at some point?

Depends on how stereotypically British you want your teeth to look ;)
Don't remember any of mine being too much bother when they were coming through, other than having to put up with a bit of an open wound on the side of my mouth for a while. I have a bit of a cracking thing going on with my jaw now though, if I open my mouth fully then there's a definite resistance and then snap when it gets beyond a certainly point, doesn't cause any pain but can get a bit worse sometimes when eating certain things.

Never really thought about getting it checked out.