I do get the feeling that some people just think because Mendes is an agent, he is therefore scum and will do whatever he can to make money even if it means stitching up the club.
I don't think it's quite as black and white as that. I'm sure he's got a vested interest in Wolves, and obviously if he can make money from us he will, but I'm also sure it's pretty complicated. If his company has been bought by Fosun, you'd think it was in his best interests to look after Wolves rather than string us along and risk pissing off Fosun.
I'm assuming it was via him that we were able to complete the deal with Fosun, and also for Zenga and the Benfica-based players? So far, so good, Jorge...
Frankly, if he can get us some decent players in so we're challenging for promotion I'm not at all fussed if he make a bit of cash out of us through his agent's fees in the process.