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Fair play to you Siggy for admitting that.

I have nothing but disgust for your views and the people you hold admiration for and think the world would be a far better place without them.
'half a million people are nasty and fascist' (if that's the version you choose to hear) is said by one person.

I was of course being facetious when I said they could be a mole, but maybe all those shouting at the elected Asian representative were just using language designed to come across as racist but weren't really racist and they're all lovely people defending the right to...?

We don't know as they haven't produced a manifesto.

I haven't read anything today that makes me change my mind that this collection of cunts aren't racist.

It’s not my version it is clearly what he says.
Johnny :steam:
Siggy :notlistening:
TT :referee:

This thread to me is the cybertosis thread to you.
Fair play to you Siggy for admitting that.

I have nothing but disgust for your views and the people you hold admiration for and think the world would be a far better place without them.
I only said I admired Jordan Peterson that I stand behind fully. But if that disgusts you then so be it.
I have listened to hours and hours of Jordan Peterson, I have also read one of his books and I am yet to find anything that discriminates, but by all means I will check your links.

The man is a genius and I have no shame in admitting I have huge admiration for him.

Someone at work showed me the video before where he was interviewed on Channel 4 and the interviewer ended up getting very ratty with him making themselves look a bit silly in doing so. I got a very odd feeling from him, not seen or read anything else of his since, as he's obviously a very well read man but some of it just seemed like he was arguing for the sake of it. Not really sure what 'cause' he's meant to be fighting for, sort of comes across at times like a man who's just a bit miffed that things aren't how they used to be and rails against it even though the changes aren't doing him any harm.

Something about him just makes me feel uneasy, can't put my finger on it.
No need for the passive aggressive bollocks.
It was literally a few days back I cant see how that is passive aggressive, I will happily dig it out later if you have any interest in my full response on it.

In short I hate the poster, hows that?
Someone at work showed me the video before where he was interviewed on Channel 4 and the interviewer ended up getting very ratty with him making themselves look a bit silly in doing so. I got a very odd feeling from him, not seen or read anything else of his since, as he's obviously a very well read man but some of it just seemed like he was arguing for the sake of it. Not really sure what 'cause' he's meant to be fighting for, sort of comes across at times like a man who's just a bit miffed that things aren't how they used to be and rails against it even though the changes aren't doing him any harm.

Something about him just makes me feel uneasy, can't put my finger on it.
Initally that was my impression, I can't remember why I first saw something from him but he was made out to be this monster so I wanted to see what the fuss was about. The more I listened the more he made sense.

He is a clinical psychologist and an incredibly intelligent man.

He champions equality more than anyone I have ever heard, but he champions equality of opportunity and is against the manipulation of equality of outcome.

His book - 12 Rules For Life is also very interesting and helped me drag myself out of a very dark place.

I would say if you take solely what the media says about him he is a complete monster, but then most media outlets that report of him have an agenda. He has very strong views but he backs them up with evidence and science, that's why he appeals to me.

So you can take the media view or listen for yourself, I would highly recommend the latter.
I only said I admired Jordan Peterson that I stand behind fully. But if that disgusts you then so be it.

They do but I guess it takes all sorts for the world to go round.

I would say Peterson operates on the same platform as Scientology in that it is all pseudoscience rather than actual science.

I understand why people on the hard right/ left all think the media has an agenda against them, it's to promote the 'victim' persona which cultivates this cult of populists we are currently operating in. It's the fascists handbook chapter 1.
Ford closing their plant in Bridgend and 1700 jobs to go. Another I'm sure that won't be Brexit related
They do but I guess it takes all sorts for the world to go round.

I would say Peterson operates on the same platform as Scientology in that it is all pseudoscience rather than actual science.

I understand why people on the hard right/ left all think the media has an agenda against them, it's to promote the 'victim' persona which cultivates this cult of populists we are currently operating in. It's the fascists handbook chapter 1.

He is a scientist lol;

Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology,[1] with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief[2] and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance.[3]

Peterson has bachelor's degrees in political science and psychology from the University of Alberta and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from McGill University. He was a post-doctoral fellow at McGill from 1991 to 1993 before moving to Harvard University, where he was an assistant and then an associate professor in the psychology department.[4][5] In 1998, he moved back to Canada as a faculty member in the psychology department at the University of Toronto, where, as of 2019, he is a full professor.

Peterson's first book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999), examined several academic fields to describe the structure of systems of beliefs and myths, their role in the regulation of emotion, creation of meaning, and several other topics such as motivation for genocide.[6][7][8] His second book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, was released in January 2018.[4][9][10]

not a shred of pseudoscience in his arguments, he does counter some of the harder lefts views hence why he gets some negative media coverage. Rather than read an article written to smear him and there are lots of them, listen to one of his lectures or debates and form your own opinion.
I keep telling you I'm not left leaning in the slightest.

I've listened to some interviews and read some of his stuff (articles not books) it didn't appeal to me and I find him insincere.

It's worth noting his colleagues have ridiculed him as the stupid man's intellectual and the professor of piffle. A self-publicist without any substance and his arguments are based in pseudoscience.

His arguments are often pulled apart and much of his stuff doesn't stand up to scrutiny both in the press and under review. I'm sure that will class as an agenda or bias though.

I'm sure he earned his degrees in his chosen subjects but then Farage wouldn't give a shit as Brexiteers have had enough of experts apparently.

Personally I don't class psychology as a science but there is debate around this subject in much the same way as social and philosophy are debated as sciences.
I keep telling you I'm not left leaning in the slightest.

I've listened to some interviews and read some of his stuff, it didn't appeal to me and I find him insincere.

It's worth noting his is colleagues have ridiculed him as the stupid man's intellectual and the professor of piffle. A self-publicist without any substance and his arguments are based in pseudoscience.

His arguments are often pulled apart and much of his stuff doesn't stand up to scrutiny both in the press and under review. I'm sure that will class as an agenda or bias though.

I'm sure he earned his degrees in his chosen subjects but then Farage wouldn't give a shit as Brexiteers have had enough of experts apparently.
Just to clarify, he has nothing to do with NF not quite sure how we got onto him but there we go.

Lets leave it at that, have a pleasant evening.
Jordan Peterson is what stupid people think an intelligent person is like.
Jordan Peterson is what stupid people think an intelligent person is like.
And it's unbelievably stupid comments like this that make it not worthwhile discussing pretty much anything with lefties.

The guy lectured for Harvard!! He is a world leading scientist but yeah sure Visage of The Wolves Forum knows better.

The vast majority of his work I am sure you would agree with but because you are trapped in a left wing bubble you wont engage.

It's a real shame but I am not surprised in the slightest.

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And it's unbelievably stupid comments like this that make it not worthwhile discussing pretty much anything with lefties.

The guy lectured for Harvard!! He is a world leading scientist but yeah sure Visage of The Wolves Forum knows better.

The vast majority of his work I am sure you would agree with but because you are trapped in a left wing bubble you wont engage.

It's a real shame but I am not surprised in the slightest.

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I think you need to stop throwing around your leftie grenade you've aimed and missed twice today.
I think you need to stop throwing around your leftie grenade you've aimed and missed twice today.
Well JPs only controversial views are against the harder left. My other exchanges included being branded a a Fascist just because my view didn't match, which is rule 1 in the lefty handbook .... also comparing JP to Scientology (god where do I even start with that level of stupidity)

So if Visage is not a leftie but genuinely thinks JP is anything other than a genius then I'm baffled.

My guess is that people have read an article saying what a bad man he is without checking for themselves.

I guess it takes all kinds eh.

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So being right wing / far right is ok just as long as you aren't "loonie left"?
So being right wing / far right is ok just as long as you aren't "loonie left"?
No absolutely not both extremes are very dangerous. A balance of left and right is needed but I don't see that here.

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