You can't just crowbar people into employment. British people don't have the skills to do the jobs that EU nationals are currently doing in the UK, Davis has admitted as much.
As before, CBA. But if you genuinely think pensioners contribute more to an economy than working young adults you need to think again.
You support sending the unemployed to work in the fields? Even if they don't want to, have no experience or aptitude for manual work? Don't live anywhere near any rural areas?
IDS and his Arbeit Macht Frei policies have a lot to answer for.
Plenty of skilled Portuguese and Spanish working in the GB construction industry. Alongside other EU nationals.
#cracked record
It doesn't make any sense though, forcing people to take work that they're fundamentally unsuited to is even more of a false economy than the fairly muddled and inaccurate picture you paint. How long do you think people will last if they're in a job that they despise and it pays them a pittance? What do you want them to do, stay miserable for their entire lives? Or drop out of the system and have absolutely zero support?
This is why the Government's $#@!e initiatives such as welfare sanctions and the Work Programme don't function anything like competently. It's not just a numbers game, these are actual people.
Ask the sort of companies that Leeds has worked for to train British youngsters. It has to make more sense.
There are many more working in unskilled work. What incentive is there to train young people with skills, if you can keep getting trained people from abroad?
Don't you think this is a disservice to the young people of the UK?
If you want to live in the UK, for the first few years at least, you should have medical insurance. You should not have access to a free NHS like the millions who have paid tax and N.I. Why should some get something for nothing. Bloody pay up like the rest of us. Support yourself and screw the nanny state. The clue is in the title, it's a National Health Service, not a World Health Service. We can't look after our own elderly and I know from bitter experience.
Ah yes, let's rape all countries who invest in educating their young people and bring them here.
This is where I differ to you. I believe that access to a health service should be a persons right not a privilege you have to pay for. An EU migrant is a human being just like me and their health is just as important as mine.
There must be UK adult citizens who have never worked (and therefore paid tax or NI on their wages) do you think they should be denied free access to the NHS too?
Post 5203 - You are all for skilled workers coming to the UK
The post quoted - 5209.
So are you happy for skilled workers to come over, or you don't want skilled workers to come over?
As for your point on unemployed people taking low-skilled jobs I've explained this before, too many jobs, not enough people in UK, and too many people either unwilling or unable to do those roles.
Taking people from the unemployment line, and shoving them into work they either don't want or can't do is not going to solve anything.