For a while now I've been listening to CASEFILE.
It's narrated by an Australian guy but if you can get over the accent it's very good.
Some could be distressing if you have young kids but mainly it's detailed enough to give you a complete picture of what happened but not enough detail to become smutty.
They come out every Saturday, but if you subscribe (for free) you can access #1. Each one is around 1 hour maybe more, and a few are split up into parts, like one Australian story went to 5 x 1 hour sessions.
They cover Murders or Crime all over the place, Australia (Many), USA (Many), UK (a good few, including the Midlands, West Mids and Manchester (even Stockport, an address about a mile from where I used to live!) to across Europe.
Brilliant for walking the dog or driving.
You can hit 'See all episodes' and choose. they're up to Case 223 at the moment.
If you do try them out, just a heads up, Avoid cases 1 -30. He was just getting going and hadn't quite developed his style or speed, so they're not great, but any after 40-50 are excellent.