I found it a bit of an eye opener. A couple of people who genuinely weren't interested and just voted with the majority as they wanted it to finish, one who wouldn't listed to reason and was convinced of guilt even though there wasn't any evidence to convict which made us have to wait hours until the judge would accept a majority verdict. The trial itself was a pretty interesting experience.
Depends on your earnings and your employer.
My lad was call up last year (never went on a trial). His firm paid him his full salary but would only cover the initial 2 weeks of jury service, obviously it can go longer than that and the amount the govt pay isn't anywhere near his earnings.
Probably not so much annoyance more of a head scratcher.
Out for a walk today and saw a bloke in shorts and t shirt, what makes people think a bit of sunshine means it’s summer, i reckon it was about 8 degrees.
I was in Leominster today and saw a boy out with his family and he was wearing a pair of Bermuda shorts and no top. He was probably only about 8 but even still
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