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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

Palomo nailing the response aside does that policy mean if you are dragged into this country, essentially sold into slavery and then Suella the Cuntstorm find out.....tough shit, that's your own fault?
Pretty much.

Amazingly enough, it breaks any number of international laws.
All that said, do think the Tories are toast anyway. They’ll recover a good chunk of votes over this, but it’s pissing in the wind relative to the votes lost due the real-world affects of their shambolic governance on everyone else.
Yes but the public have extremely short/almost no memory of all the shit the conservatives have piled upon them. If they actually said. "it's all the fault of the last Labour government..." Half of the older, doddery voters would be nodding their fucking heads!
So I think the public needs to be reminded on an almost daily basis what these fuckers have done, on a daily basis and keep doing it.
And I don't see Starmer getting anywhere near close to that.
Not even close.
I'll never forget my mother in law (at the time a senior highly qualified Nurse in a rare diseases unit) looking at a photo of Michael Foot out walking his dog, his coat undone, his hair scruffy, stooped, and said, "How could you vote for someone who looks like that!"
Little Rishi looks good in his suit and smart tie, and his hair combed nicely, he really looks the part.
3 million votes right there!
Yes but the public have extremely short/almost no memory of all the shit the conservatives have piled upon them. If they actually said. "it's all the fault of the last Labour government..." Half of the older, doddery voters would be nodding their fucking heads!
So I think the public needs to be reminded on an almost daily basis what these fuckers have done, on a daily basis and keep doing it.
And I don't see Starmer getting anywhere near close to that.
Not even close.
I'll never forget my mother in law (at the time a senior highly qualified Nurse in a rare diseases unit) looking at a photo of Michael Foot out walking his dog, his coat undone, his hair scruffy, stooped, and said, "How could you vote for someone who looks like that!"
Little Rishi looks good in his suit and smart tie, and his hair combed nicely, he really looks the part.
3 million votes right there!
Little Rishi looks good in his suit and smart tie, and his hair combed nicely, he really looks the part.
3 million votes right there!
Explain how man who, after dressing himself looks like and has the brain of an exploded mattress won so many votes.
Explain how man who, after dressing himself looks like and has the brain of an exploded mattress won so many votes.
Because the people saw him as a loveable rogue.
"There's something likeable about him, he needs loving (Mothering), someone to look after him and all of that peurile shite.
All examples heard coming out of the mouths of elderly and middle aged people in Huddersfield a few months ago.
Beggars belief!
You watched it on the BBC and then you stood there, mouth open, shoulders up, arms out, spinning slowly, 'Can you fucking believe what these people are saying?!! In Huddersfield!!
Failing that Kenny, you're gonna have to go all the way back to when the bastard won the election to Lord Mayor of London to when he first harboured desires of getting seriously out of his depth, and ask some of those punters.
or it could be we have a shit ton of racists fucks in the Country and it doesn't matter how they dress/look as long as they give you the freedom to spout bollocks, cheer when people drown etc they will get your vote

(just to clarify in case my words are taken wrongly, I of course don't mean you for the above)
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I'll never forget my mother in law (at the time a senior highly qualified Nurse in a rare diseases unit) looking at a photo of Michael Foot out walking his dog, his coat undone, his hair scruffy, stooped, and said, "How could you vote for someone who looks like that!"
DIdn't hinder Johnson.

Michael Foot was 'accused' of wearing a 'donkey jacket' at the Cenotaph (he didn't) and this was seized upon as being disrespectful to our fallen heroes and the Tory press found a stick to beat him.

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The defence line for this is officially "she didn't see it, approve it or send it, honest".

Apropos of nothing, Rishi went after 'lefty lawyers' like Starmer in PMQs too, so it's clearly a coordinated attack line. Fucking lawyers eh, knowing and respecting the law and stuff, the buggers
Fucking lawyers eh, knowing and respecting the law and stuff, the buggers
The errrrrr, righty lawyers are ok, just those lefty fuckers who stick to the letter of the law who are the bastards
What happened to attracting the brightest and the best? I guess that reality has now hit home and they know that where there is a need, anyone earning the minimum wage can come into the country.

Being on the “shortage occupation list” means foreign construction workers will be able to come to the UK to take up jobs paying a minimum of £20,480 a year, instead of £25,600 a year, the current minimum threshold for a skilled worker needing a visa.

From April, anyone earning the minimum wage for a 40 hour week will be on £21, 674.
HS2 moving 1 step closer to basically becoming a glorified upgrade to the euton to brum connection and little else.
Putting off building some sections due to costs, it’s never going to be cheaper to build than now, costs will always rise.
We’d be in a right state if the victorians had not built sewers, railways, housing, civic buildings due to rising costs, it’d never have been built.
An absolute Bruno Lage of a speech.
Gary is undefeated at the minute and probably never been more popular as a result
Anything would be better than the current bunch of right-wingers we have.

except when he went up against piers morgan, and told morgan he'd never hacked anybody?