Got a load of trees at the back of the garden & the sun has dropped enough for the patio to be a comfortable temperature.Our back garden is south facing and our bedroom at the back..quite nice in the garden now the sun has gone down over the house and a slight breeze
Hope you feel a bit better soon. This heat and feeling unwell is a shit combination.I'm sure I get worse with it every year, been really ill all weekend and had some breathing difficulties. Horrible and doesn't look like it'll ease before Friday.
Gone american and got a min aircon unit for the bedroom. My other half has decided it was a waste of money as she’s now too cold
I’ve had to commit to buying and AC unit. My house is stupid where lounge, kitchen, bedroom and spare room are all south facing. It’s 3 stories and on the top of a hill so sun on it all day with no obstructions. 9.30pm and thermometer tells me it’s 29 degrees in the bedroom still. Think it only got down to about 27 at midnight.
Delivery on Tuesday I hope
£350 in Argos yes. I’ve got Similar at work and they’re fine. Loud though but even just putting it on for a few hours before you go to bed will do the job (anything to make it not 27 degrees at 1am) or if it’s anything like yesterday just wheeling it round whatever room I’m inWas going to a few weeks back and wish I did.
Can I just ask are these the 350-450 ish ones, basically cheapest actual "AC"? Thanks