I see Toyota will be closing it's facilities in the UK along with BMW
As a tier 1 supplier to both in the USA, I just wonder if they will do the same stateside...
Toyota closing all North America production.
So, I hear this. I do. But there have been 22,000 influenza deaths in the US alone this season.
I understand that the death rate is higher so far with COVID-19 and the infection spread supposedly easier, but when I hear 22,000 vs 97 (both in the US)... It's a struggle not to think that some of the measures being taken are an overreaction. Or, at least to not wonder why we weren't all freaking the fuck out well before COVID-19 was on the scene.
It's just been casually dropped in on the news that there's 20,000 troops making themselves available to become a covid resistance force
That's certainly sobering if it's true.Yeah, let’s just ignore it.
I've said that it can feel that way.You have said it's all an overreaction though
I don't know if it is. That's what I'm struggling with.So you think severe disruption for the healthy majority to help stem the flow of death to the vulnerable minority is an overreaction?
Even as somebody who's income is entirely reliant on schools being open, I believe we've done this 7-10 days too late
It all feels so fucking bizarre
I don't know if it is. That's what I'm struggling with.
I still have to go to work every day. The service industry is largely ignoring this thing. Meanwhile, my parents have been completely bankrupted by the stock market. My sister is being forced to work from home AND act as a professional teacher to her children while school is cancelled.
It all feels so fucking bizarre and yet there's a dearth of anything that feels like concrete information. At least that's the sense I'm left with.