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"17. There is also no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in healthy or asymptomatic individuals. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and may become “germ carriers”. Leading doctors called them a “media hype” and “ridiculous”."

I have been wearing a mask for weeks, and even with regular mask cleaning have developed a cold that I cannot shake. I feel like shit and sneezes frighten other people.

On the other hand, people are afraid of the virus and do not want to be near anyone not wearing a mask.
I've been looking at numbers of people being hospitalised with covid19 by region as an indicator. Again, it doesn't cover everything but gives an idea as to whether cases are increasing or decreasing, obviously there's a 2-3 week lag

I still think Hospital admissions is a flawed metric given that the population was at one point told not to go to Hospital if you exhibited symptoms and isolate at home and those people have never been tested. Facts and figures are being seized upon and just as quickly discarded on the basis of their political worth not scientific value. Rolling averages are important, as long as they are going down. Once they go up, it's the daily values that matter. International comparisons are important until the point comes where comparatively we are the worst in Europe, then they're not a fair measure. We have centre backs advising on how to beat your man, get to the dead ball line and put a cross in. We are being shown possession statistics to prove that we are winning despite a 2 goal deficit all being overseen by Sepp Blatter.

I can't think of many arenas where the statement ' just because they're doing that in one area doesn't mean they'll do it in another' is more incorrect. Still,once this is all over and we know whether it's the 35 thousand people we're being told have died or the 65 thousand reality we'll be in a better position to sweep it under the carpet and carry on regardless.

Stay Alert

The UK’s public health response to covid-19
I still think Hospital admissions is a flawed metric given that the population was at one point told not to go to Hospital if you exhibited symptoms and isolate at home and those people have never been tested. Facts and figures are being seized upon and just as quickly discarded on the basis of their political worth not scientific value. Rolling averages are important, as long as they are going down. Once they go up, it's the daily values that matter. International comparisons are important until the point comes where comparatively we are the worst in Europe, then they're not a fair measure. We have centre backs advising on how to beat your man, get to the dead ball line and put a cross in. We are being shown possession statistics to prove that we are winning despite a 2 goal deficit all being overseen by Sepp Blatter.

I can't think of many arenas where the statement ' just because they're doing that in one area doesn't mean they'll do it in another' is more incorrect. Still,once this is all over and we know whether it's the 35 thousand people we're being told have died or the 65 thousand reality we'll be in a better position to sweep it under the carpet and carry on regardless.

Stay Alert

The UK’s public health response to covid-19

There aren't any non flawed metrics, my view, if you want to see a trend as to whether people need hospital or not that's the way to go

No available metrics will give you scale, best we can see are trends
There aren't any non flawed metrics, my view, if you want to see a trend as to whether people need hospital or not that's the way to go
No available metrics will give you scale, best we can see are trends

I don't disagree, but to paraphrase Orwell, all metrics are flawed, but some metrics are more flawed than others.
What gives me a complete lack of confidence in the figures available is the blatant way they are being created and cherry picked in other areas, such as testing, according to the need to justify the whatever needs justifying on the day and the way Officials are going into what appears to be granular detail to explain the importance of them in deciding policy, but skipping over details of others 'freely available' if you dig deep enough to find them. The longer this goes on and the more it happens the more jaded I become.
Bit of good news round here, the old boy who was in ICU and a ventilator has recovered and is coming back home today.
I know some have mixed feelings on the worth of the briefings but does any other European leader do as few of them as Johnson? I think he's done two since he returned to office. Plus one desk banging pre-recorded statement, one statement to the Commons and PMQs which he's obliged to do, being the PM and all.

I believe Sturgeon does hers every day.

Over the pond, of course Trump causes chaos and hilarity when he blunders in but he is there most days.
Personally don't give a shit who delivers the briefing, I only watch for the graphs now and then turn it off
To be honest, they are better when he isn't blabbering on so best he continues with his zero hour contract basis he is currently working on (unless Priti is doing them, then Boris sounds alright again).

From the off in this crisis he (Dom C) has taken the view the Nation doesn't need to see him Daily as we (and his own party) will quickly realise he hasn't got a clue so he is wheeled out when good news is offered and the few chances were he needs to put across a stern message and come across, in the eyes of those who like him, as a Churchillesque PM.
Oh, I don't want to hear from him. He's a fucking moron.

But if he can't do this and everyone else can, then he shouldn't be leading the country.
At a time of national emergency and crisis, the official elected to lead the country should be communicating with the country, and isn't.

Other leaders are, so should he. It's part of what leadership is.

As has been said, if he can't, he shouldn't be leading.

I suspect he is being insulated. The Housing Minister can say 'I'm not the Health Secretary' The Hime Secretary can say she isn't the Foreign Secretary.

The Prime Minister has no where to hide, he should be able to provide answers and as has been seen on the few occasions he has faced Keir Starmer, without a script, without being able to pre record a statement, he is exposed for exactly what he is. A self serving chancer with no interest in serving the nation, no interest in fulfilling his duties, just a desire to hold the title of Prime Minister and enjoy the perks that come with it without any of the inconveniences of having to be held accountable
I've been looking at numbers of people being hospitalised with covid19 by region as an indicator. Again, it doesn't cover everything but gives an idea as to whether cases are increasing or decreasing, obviously there's a 2-3 week lag

They need to start planning six or even twelve months ahead. Not only for the second and third wave but also for the economic fallout that will start to hit October onwards. I just feel more than ever corporations and their cohorts control the feedback from Govt and I remain highly cynical of where this is all going.
At a time of national emergency and crisis, the official elected to lead the country should be communicating with the country, and isn't.

Other leaders are, so should he. It's part of what leadership is.

As has been said, if he can't, he shouldn't be leading.

I suspect he is being insulated. The Housing Minister can say 'I'm not the Health Secretary' The Hime Secretary can say she isn't the Foreign Secretary.

The Prime Minister has no where to hide, he should be able to provide answers and as has been seen on the few occasions he has faced Keir Starmer, without a script, without being able to pre record a statement, he is exposed for exactly what he is. A self serving chancer with no interest in serving the nation, no interest in fulfilling his duties, just a desire to hold the title of Prime Minister and enjoy the perks that come with it without any of the inconveniences of having to be held accountable

These people are just puppets. You can see the strings if you look close enough.
This isn't great. You scroll right to the end tab and they seem to be including mental health conditions in "underlying causes". Er, no? There's no reason why I for instance would be any more vulnerable because of what I have but I'd get lumped in there. The two things are unrelated unless I top myself because of the whole affair, which isn't on the cards as far as I know.

I know some have mixed feelings on the worth of the briefings but does any other European leader do as few of them as Johnson? I think he's done two since he returned to office. Plus one desk banging pre-recorded statement, one statement to the Commons and PMQs which he's obliged to do, being the PM and all.

I believe Sturgeon does hers every day.

Over the pond, of course Trump causes chaos and hilarity when he blunders in but he is there most days.

Two weeks since he's been at a briefing, so two weeks of answering no questions from the press or public
This isn't great. You scroll right to the end tab and they seem to be including mental health conditions in "underlying causes". Er, no? There's no reason why I for instance would be any more vulnerable because of what I have but I'd get lumped in there. The two things are unrelated unless I top myself because of the whole affair, which isn't on the cards as far as I know.


There HAS to be funding for the psychological damage the last few weeks will have caused but they mention nothing. They don't care like they don't care about people dying in care homes. The heavily corporate funded Professor lockdown has been completely discredited. There has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine and these viruses have been around for years yet they're on about producing 30 million vaccines in October. It's bs. The company tasked with producing the vaccine have strong links with Gates and AI. It needs an alternate voice to get in the ring and tear apart these politicians and the global corporations. The money is diverted to big pharma instead of vulnerable people.
There HAS to be funding for the psychological damage the last few weeks will have caused but they mention nothing. They don't care like they don't care about people dying in care homes. The heavily corporate funded Professor lockdown has been completely discredited. There has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine and these viruses have been around for years yet they're on about producing 30 million vaccines in October. It's bs. The company tasked with producing the vaccine have strong links with Gates and AI. It needs an alternate voice to get in the ring and tear apart these politicians and the global corporations. The money is diverted to big pharma instead of vulnerable people.

You were making a little bit of sense until you mentioned Bill Gates (the guy who has given away more money than anyone ever) and AI (just wtf?).

Actually I missed the gibberish about a ‘corporate funded professor’. As you were.
You were making a little bit of sense until you mentioned Bill Gates (the guy who has given away more money than anyone ever) and AI (just wtf?).

Actually I missed the gibberish about a ‘corporate funded professor’. As you were.

Thankfully I don't rely on your approval for anything and the tone of your response somewhat suggests a closed mind. I feel the corporations hold too much power and the politicians are useless.

This isn't great. You scroll right to the end tab and they seem to be including mental health conditions in "underlying causes". Er, no? There's no reason why I for instance would be any more vulnerable because of what I have but I'd get lumped in there. The two things are unrelated unless I top myself because of the whole affair, which isn't on the cards as far as I know.


Is it related to the medication required for some conditions?