v Villa (Sky) & v Preston (C5) not available to stream in October
Don't be too upset PPB - 2 games I can now get live in the UK at no more cost than you have had to pay, something we are not allowed otherwise
There is always a 'silver lining' even if its for someone else
Not upset. Just used to having the opportunity of being able to watch the lads again, and so a bit disappointing when not able to.
Enjoy your double dose of ' silver linings '![]()
Didn't think that you were - as I can only 'afford' to get there for a limited number of games then it's a bonus when I can get live feed for extra ones.
Can't see why they cannot make these available for overseas viewers even if you paid the same rate as you have been paying for ones that are not available in the UK - would make extra money
last nights stream was probably the best this season - never froze once, and only had to refresh on one occasion. also tried to pause the tv about 12 seconds and sync better with audio - minor success indeed.
v Villa (Sky) & v Preston (C5) not available to stream in October (although the club will welcome £10 from Quirk and a mini cyber meltdown)
Im confused by the Quirkmeltdown kerfuffle.
Keeping it legal, you have to be viewing from another country to actually see the £5 match stream panel square thingy majig. (you can only see the audio stream from these isles)
So how on earth could he buy it but then not see it?..
I can only think its something browser/plug in related that was stopping the player showing the stream.
Will I be able to watch the match via a Samsung tablet on Wednesday. Im in Budapest and need my fix.
Ditto.User error. I've used my normal account whilst on holiday
Quirk's a tit then. Confirmed by Wolves.