It seems a lot of the people saying where we are isn't good enough are just expecting too much, given where we've come from. It was absolutely right to give the majority of players who got us up a chance, obviously some of them aren't going to get much better and we will need to improve. I just don't get this attitude of "we want success and we want it now" which is prevalent amongst football fans, a team like Wolves simply cannot expect to demand success, the only possible way is to spend huge Chelsea/City type of money and even that doesn't guarantee it. Jackett has made some mistakes of course but his idea of steady, progressive improvement is the only way forward imo. A little bit of faith and patience is required.
My one concern is if we went up now is that it would be a very difficult season and the numpties would be horrendous in their castigation of Jackett and bring about his probable sacking/resignation, leaving us back to square one.