I've seen all sorts of excuses for him on social media. I even saw one person blame Nuno on Twitter saying he'd let the players get too comfortable and now Bruno is challenging them they don't like it.

it can be a wild place Twitter and for some reason I've started seeing posts from people I don't even follow "based on your likes" but maybe it's an insight into the general consensus. Had a quick glance at another forum earlier and the poll on there was closer to 50 50
Mol Mix is around 49% go, then the rest split about evenly between stay and don't know.
Very rare that managers turn that kind of groundswell around. He goes on about it being fine to boo the players, they were booing you to start with Bruno, after you made yet another ridiculous substitution.
Then you get yet another garbled round of nonsense after full time where I recognise all the words but I can't make an ounce of sense out of what order they're in. His English is fine so really, he's just talking shit week after week, some of it is delusional, some of it is inane to the point of inviting comparisons to a certain Welsh convicted drink driver. You might say interviews don't matter but what if that's how he talks to the players after we've lost?
If transfer windows didn't exist then I could just about accept an argument to keep him. So if we started badly and he'd bought a load of crap, we could fix it. As it is, if you hand him money to spend and he wastes it and we're rubbish, that's it, we're locked into a shit season because he wouldn't get sacked before the end of August and then you're stuck with what you have, whoever the manager is. If you don't give him money, every shred of evidence suggests he can't get a tune out of these players (there are changes that need to be made, but they aren't *that* bad, not "lose 70% of your games" bad anyway) so what would be the point, you're just waiting for the inevitable.
All against a backdrop of them wanting tens of thousands of people in a predominantly economically deprived area where the current situation will be hurting a lot of them to shell out a lot of money to watch us. You no longer have a fake rebate, you can no longer claim you're just bringing us into line with other comparable clubs (a lie anyway), you no longer have people wanting to do anything at any cost because they've had very little/no social interaction for 18 months.
I think they *have* to sack him. I obviously want him sacked because I don't like him, but even objectively I can't see how it's tenable.