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What can Fosun do now?

The ground is something of an asset as Wolves own the leasehold and there is a value in that.
No-one owns a leasehold, that's the issue. Particularly when there's a covenant on the land that dictates it can only be used for sports.

So Wolves own a building on someone else's land and the only other people that could go there in the future are other sports teams. Niche market.
This was a dick comment... "I don’t think you are in a position where you can dictate what my opinion should be."

I never did that. Move on if you aren't capable of reasoned debate. I started this thread because I wanted to hear opinions in regard to Fosun that might be positive. Unfortunately, it's turned pretty negative. You haven't helped.
So you only wanted comments that fell within a pre-determined set of criteria that you selected unilaterally and then you pull up people that deviate from those parameters…

In my opinion, the best thing Fosun could do to repair the relationship with the fans is to fuck off and then keep on fucking off. I think that is quite a “reasoned” position.
You aren't going to get positive opinions though. Look at the list of stuff I put up. They've been dreadful for years.
Understand. Just testing the waters to see if there was anything. I guess folks prefer the negativity.
No-one owns a leasehold, that's the issue. Particularly when there's a covenant on the land that dictates it can only be used for sports.

So Wolves own a building on someone else's land and the only other people that could go there in the future are other sports teams. Niche market.
My understanding is that when it was signed, it was a 999 year lease given by Wolverhampton City Council. I haven't actually seen the lease or the covenants, only what I have read in the media. Agreed it would be a niche market.
So you only wanted comments that fell within a pre-determined set of criteria that you selected unilaterally and then you pull up people that deviate from those parameters…

In my opinion, the best thing Fosun could do to repair the relationship with the fans is to fuck off and then keep on fucking off. I think that is quite a “reasoned” position.
No problem with your opinion. And yes, I started the thread to see if anyone had any considered thoughts about how Fosun might improve their relationship with the fans. And yes, because of that, I have pulled people up who had no other answer than "Fuck Off Fosun" because it really isn't an answer and it isn't going to happen yet a while. I got my answer and for the most part, folks are comfortable with their own misery and justifying it.
No problem with your opinion. And yes, I started the thread to see if anyone had any considered thoughts about how Fosun might improve their relationship with the fans. And yes, because of that, I have pulled people up who had no other answer than "Fuck Off Fosun" because it really isn't an answer and it isn't going to happen yet a while. I got my answer and for the most part, folks are comfortable with their own misery and justifying it.
First of all, for me the season ticket price rise was both abusive and unnecessary.
Wolves were bought, because Mendes instructed Fosun that we were the right club to buy. In the main, most of our most important transfers, had something to do with Mendes. He arranged for us to take his players which contributed in making us in to an established Premier League club. When you deal with Mendes, you have to take the rough with the smooth. You get decent players at a reasonable price, you sell them for a profit and you get overated players and pay too much for them.
Many fans look and dwell on the Fabio Silva type purchases, not understanding the bigger picture, that is an agreed relationship between Mendes and the clubs in his web.
The reality is, we are a Premier league club because of Mendes and this has contributed enormously to our longest stint in the top league in over 40 years. Wolves had suffered many false dawns over those 40 years, but the reality is, with FFP and the unfair advantage this gives the top 6, this is as good as it gets. Mendes has lost a lot of clout at Wolves because of FFP and so far Hobbs seems to be doing a decent job with less funds available.
I don't think it would be wise to get rid of Fosun, who have made us in to an established Premier League club and I believe people have very short memories and the probability of getting new owners that keep us as an established Premier League club are very unlikely.
Jeff Shi was given the job to make us an established Premier League club and he has been successful at that, eventhough as I mentioned he is out of order pricing many loyal season ticket holders from watching Wolves, the team that they have supported for decades.
Fosun, will always employ someone from within their organisation and Jeff shi will be seen as being both successful and doing the job Fosun gave him to do and that was to make us in to an established Premier League club. Some people might be bored with Premier league mid table finishes, but most of us on here would have given almost anything to have the longest stint in the Premier League, in their Wolves supporting lifetime. To get rid of Fosun, you would need to be pretty positive that the new owners would keep us as an established Premier League club, I personally think that is highly unlikely and so am grateful to Fosun for doing what nobody else has done in over 40 years.
The stadium needs developing and ticket prices need to be reduced, but they have made us in to an established Premier League club and I personally, hope they continue to be our owners.
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First of all, for me the season ticket price rise was both abusive and unnecessary.
Wolves were bought, because Mendes instructed Fosun that we were the right club to buy. In the main, most of our most important transfers, had something to do with Mendes. He arranged for us to take his players which contributed in making us in to an established Premier League club. When you deal with Mendes, you have to take the rough with the smooth. You get decent players at a reasonable price, you sell them for a profit and you get overated players and pay too much for them.
Many fans look and dwell on the Fabio Silva type purchases, not understanding the bigger picture, that is an agreed relationship between Mendes and the clubs in his web.
The reality is, we are a Premier league club because of Mendes and this has contributed enormously to our longest stint in the top league in over 40 years. Wolves had suffered many false dawns over those 40 years, but the reality is, with FFP and the unfair advantage this gives the top 6, this is as good as it gets. Mendes has lost a lot of clout at Wolves because of FFP and so far Hobbs seems to be doing a decent job with less funds available.
I don't think it would be wise to get rid of Fosun, who have made us in to an established Premier League club and I believe people have very short memories and the probability of getting new owners that keep us as an established Premier League club are very unlikely.
Jeff Shi was given the job to make us an established Premier League club and he has been successful at that, eventhough as I mentioned he is out of order pricing many loyal season ticket holders from watching Wolves, the team that they have supported for decades.
Fosun, will always employ someone from within their organisation and Jeff shi will be seen as being both successful and doing the job Fosun gave him to do and that was to make us in to an established Premier League club. Some people might be bored with Premier league mid table finishes, but most of us on here would have given almost anything to have the longest stint in the Premier League, in their Wolves supporting lifetime. To get rid of Fosun, you would need to be pretty positive that the new owners would keep us as an established Premier League club, I personally think that is highly unlikely and so am grateful to Fosun for doing what nobody else has done in over 40 years.
The stadium needs developing and ticket prices need to be reduced, but they have made us in to an established Premier League club and I personally, hope they continue to be our owners.
All hail our lord and saviour, Papa Mendes!

Hell of a take, and we've had the OP blowing more hot air than across the Sahara desert up the arse of Fosun all thread.
We are not an established Premier League club.
7 years is our longest stint in over 45 years and most people would have said before Fosun took over, that they would never witness 7 years as a mid table Premier League club I our lifetime.
The point is, we are very unlikely to get new owners who would repeat that consistency. Fosun have their faults, but it is difficult to argue that we are not now an established Premier League club now.
All hail our lord and saviour, Papa Mendes!

Hell of a take, and we've had the OP blowing more hot air than across the Sahara desert up the arse of Fosun all thread.
Fosun bought Wolves because of Mendes and Mendes gave us the players, that we would never have acquired, if it weren't for Mendes.
Of course, it was all about Mendes, but it would be difficult to make a case, that we would be where we are. Without Mendes.
7 years is our longest stint in over 45 years and most people would have said before Fosun took over, that they would never witness 7 years as a mid table Premier League club.
That doesn’t make us an established Premier League club and that’s my issue with Fosun, we should be an established Premier League club but they are taking us backwards…and that only leads to an inevitable outcome.
First of all, for me the season ticket price rise was both abusive and unnecessary.
Wolves were bought, because Mendes instructed Fosun that we were the right club to buy. In the main, most of our most important transfers, had something to do with Mendes. He arranged for us to take his players which contributed in making us in to an established Premier League club. When you deal with Mendes, you have to take the rough with the smooth. You get decent players at a reasonable price, you sell them for a profit and you get overated players and pay too much for them.
Many fans look and dwell on the Fabio Silva type purchases, not understanding the bigger picture, that is an agreed relationship between Mendes and the clubs in his web.
The reality is, we are a Premier league club because of Mendes and this has contributed enormously to our longest stint in the top league in over 40 years. Wolves had suffered many false dawns over those 40 years, but the reality is, with FFP and the unfair advantage this gives the top 6, this is as good as it gets. Mendes has lost a lot of clout at Wolves because of FFP and so far Hobbs seems to be doing a decent job with less funds available.
I don't think it would be wise to get rid of Fosun, who have made us in to an established Premier League club and I believe people have very short memories and the probability of getting new owners that keep us as an established Premier League club are very unlikely.
Jeff Shi was given the job to make us an established Premier League club and he has been successful at that, eventhough as I mentioned he is out of order pricing many loyal season ticket holders from watching Wolves, the team that they have supported for decades.
Fosun, will always employ someone from within their organisation and Jeff shi will be seen as being both successful and doing the job Fosun gave him to do and that was to make us in to an established Premier League club. Some people might be bored with Premier league mid table finishes, but most of us on here would have given almost anything to have the longest stint in the Premier League, in their Wolves supporting lifetime. To get rid of Fosun, you would need to be pretty positive that the new owners would keep us as an established Premier League club, I personally think that is highly unlikely and so am grateful to Fosun for doing what nobody else has done in over 40 years.
The stadium needs developing and ticket prices need to be reduced, but they have made us in to an established Premier League club and I personally, hope they continue to be our owners.
What a finely thought out, and sensible post. (Puts tin hat on for the predictable responses).
That doesn’t make us an established Premier League club and that’s my issue with Fosun, we should be an established Premier League club but they are taking us backwards…and that only leads to an inevitable outcome.
We're established in as much as Leicester were say, five years ago.

Any mid-sized club is vulnerable to a bad season (often caused by bad decisions, of which Fosun have made many) which might end in relegation but until that happens we're as secure as any similar club ever is. I mean we've only had one scrape with relegation and even that was settled well before the end of the campaign.
Let's review it:

- Sold Jota
- Used that money to sign Fabio Silva and Ki-Jana Hoever
- Alienated the best manager we'd had in 40+, arguably 60+ years
- Sacked that manager
- Appointed some absolute nobody with a half page CV who can't speak English properly
- Allow him to alienate multiple senior squad members
- Loan out Adama Traoré for no money because we trust Barcelona to do what they say. He leaves for free eventually
- Retain the absolute nobody despite awful football and awful results
- Throw money at players that are either sub-standard or incompatible with how we play
- This includes a dreadful footballer for nearly £30m who the previous manager repeatedly refused to sign and who never wanted to come anyway
- Sack the absolute nobody, way too late, when we're now in a relegation fight and have thrown away multiple winnable games
- Mess up replacing him so we have to go through a chunk of a Premier League season with a bloke who wouldn't get a L2 job
- Appoint a proper manager but lie to him about our finances
- Act surprised when we move the goalposts on him
- Engineer a situation where he leaves less than a week before the season starts
- Despite the fact he resigns, we still end up paying him for nearly a year
- Appoint someone with another very thin CV (this time we get lucky that he's a decent guy and not a bad manager)
- Give Matt Doherty, a 31 year old free agent badly out of shape who was shit 10 years ago in League One, a 3 year deal on decent money. Meanwhile we let a Hungarian international who goes on to look decent at the European Championships go for free
- Saw off the season again halfway through by depleting the squad in January and adding no-one. Almost certainly costing us an FA Cup semi-final and possibly final
- Despite limited transfer activity, over £13m leaves the club to "agents"
- Allow the ground to deteriorate to the level I'd expect of an absentee owner in charge of someone like Walsall
- All the way through this, continually increase prices, while lying about other teams' prices (not that they should matter), the only club to put prices up after lockdown, the only club to do it every single year, up a minimum of 17% in a single year and a ridiculous rise from where we were in 2018
- Create your own fake clothing company to make our kit, almost certainly badly
- With a fake gambling sponsor, with no profile anywhere
- Lie to the local newspaper about how many people have renewed their season tickets, plausible deniability but stands up to absolutely zero scrutiny

It's an abysmal track record. I've missed stuff out there too because I'm going out soon and now isn't the time to detail absolutely everything.
That is literally mind blowing in listing Shi's incompetence over a period of time.

Some here have mentioned we're established Premier League club (7 years). Well for me that's in-spite of Shi (and to some extent Fosun), and it's a minor miracle we haven't been relegated.

We were fortunate to get Nuno who for 4 years created a special bond with the fans and the community - the previous appointments never gave the impression that they could lead the club forward.

I'd argue we would have been relegated in 2022/23 if to wasn't for the peculiar scheduling of the World Cup Finals that gave Lop some extra time to prep the squad.

We lucked out with GON in 2023/24 when most pundits (and I'd dare say a few here) thought we were in for a relegation scrap.

The abysmal transfer dealing for most of the period where we have wasted so much money on a group of over-priced prima donnas.

It could have all been so much better if there had been just a modicum of competence in the overall management of the club. To be honest I'd rate quite a number of people on this site who could better run the club.

Fosun have provided the financial clout but their ability to run a competent football club under the stewardship of Jeff Shi is frankly embarrassing.