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What can Fosun do now?

His wife doesn't own Grasshoppers now (not that she ever really did)

The kind of money being shifted in the context of Fosun is like me deciding to put £50 a year extra in my ISA. He doesn't know anything and he doesn't care so long as we're in the top flight.
At some point he's going to fall foul of the CP, having money safely squirrelled away in a friendly Portuguese bank will be helpful then
I don't know what you want me to say.

You can accept what I say in reasonably good faith (and there'll be enough people on here who'll tell you I don't make crap up, this is stuff I've been told by multiple decent sources) or you can doubt it. Makes no real difference to me but I'm not in the business of stirring up a hornets' nest for no reason and never have been.
Well, if you have reliable sources within the club, and I understand you don't want to reveal them, then that would make a difference. But, those sources would also be open to be questioned in the same way I asked you about the assurance you wanted to give me. I'm not having a dig at you by the way. I'm just trying to verify some of the statements that have been made.
I mean even if you don't believe me (that really is up to you and nothing I can say will move that dial), apply Occam's Razor.

Has everything since July 2020 been part of some grand plan and we've fallen victim to circumstance in not making it turn to gold, or has it been a series of atrocious decisions that have moved us from the foremost candidates to disrupt the top 6 to mid-table (at best) fodder with a disgruntled fanbase. And who has been at the top since July 2020. Join the dots.
Yeah, OK but what does that achieve? Another owner who may be worse? Where does such an owner come from? We've seen many examples of poor owners in the game and no guarantees we get a better one.

So let's not go down the fuck them off road and talk about what they can actually do that might resonate with fans in a positive way. It's far too easy to go down the negative road so let's not.
I don’t think you are in a position where you can dictate what my opinion should be. If they fuck off it achieves them not being Wolves owners and I will take my chances.
Whether Shi makes decisions or just carries through Fosun's edicts, personally I think it's a bit of each - they set the financial parameters which seem to be a moving feast and he enacts them.

What is in his control is how he delivers the message. How he does this is appalling, he's an egomaniac, forced out Dalrymple because the fans liked him, fell out with Nuno because he was jealous of him as he didn't get the same level of credit for our success from the fans, hence replacing him with a patsy. Once Thelwell thought his position was untenable, he didn't replace him, just did the job himself with Sellars as another yes man beside him. Getting Vinny into Levy is another example of him exerting his control as that indirectly brings merchandising, retail and catering under his control.

He lies about things which aren't opinion, but a matter of demonstrable fact which then drives divisions within the fanbase.

He's never understood fan mindset, culture or the economic backdrop of the area and never really tried, such is his arrogance. He probably doesn't care about that, if he did there's no way he could have let that pre st price piece go out in the e&s and clearly the pr team don't have the strength or empowerment to guide him.

Basically if Fosun want to start mending fences, which I doubt they do, or even know that they need mending, then fucking Shi off is the only starting point.
So what happens if they are content with the status quo? Obviously the fan base will never see it that way, but if they believe surviving in the Prem is our goal each season is good enough, then what? How do you ever satisfy the fans? Answer, for me, I don't think you ever can. And, perhaps that is what they have decided and are running with it regardless?
They are clearly happy with the status quo so nothing will change, that's my point.

Fosun need to change what they want from Wolves (or Fosun Sports Group?), everything else follows on from that.
Let's review it:

- Sold Jota
- Used that money to sign Fabio Silva and Ki-Jana Hoever
- Alienated the best manager we'd had in 40+, arguably 60+ years
- Sacked that manager
- Appointed some absolute nobody with a half page CV who can't speak English properly
- Allow him to alienate multiple senior squad members
- Loan out Adama Traoré for no money because we trust Barcelona to do what they say. He leaves for free eventually
- Retain the absolute nobody despite awful football and awful results
- Throw money at players that are either sub-standard or incompatible with how we play
- This includes a dreadful footballer for nearly £30m who the previous manager repeatedly refused to sign and who never wanted to come anyway
- Sack the absolute nobody, way too late, when we're now in a relegation fight and have thrown away multiple winnable games
- Mess up replacing him so we have to go through a chunk of a Premier League season with a bloke who wouldn't get a L2 job
- Appoint a proper manager but lie to him about our finances
- Act surprised when we move the goalposts on him
- Engineer a situation where he leaves less than a week before the season starts
- Despite the fact he resigns, we still end up paying him for nearly a year
- Appoint someone with another very thin CV (this time we get lucky that he's a decent guy and not a bad manager)
- Give Matt Doherty, a 31 year old free agent badly out of shape who was shit 10 years ago in League One, a 3 year deal on decent money. Meanwhile we let a Hungarian international who goes on to look decent at the European Championships go for free
- Saw off the season again halfway through by depleting the squad in January and adding no-one. Almost certainly costing us an FA Cup semi-final and possibly final
- Despite limited transfer activity, over £13m leaves the club to "agents"
- Allow the ground to deteriorate to the level I'd expect of an absentee owner in charge of someone like Walsall
- All the way through this, continually increase prices, while lying about other teams' prices (not that they should matter), the only club to put prices up after lockdown, the only club to do it every single year, up a minimum of 17% in a single year and a ridiculous rise from where we were in 2018
- Create your own fake clothing company to make our kit, almost certainly badly
- With a fake gambling sponsor, with no profile anywhere
- Lie to the local newspaper about how many people have renewed their season tickets, plausible deniability but stands up to absolutely zero scrutiny

It's an abysmal track record. I've missed stuff out there too because I'm going out soon and now isn't the time to detail absolutely everything.
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Basically if Fosun want to start mending fences, which I doubt they do, or even know that they need mending, then fucking Shi off is the only starting point.

Sorry to be reductive but this is the only course of action other than selling the club.

I don't care if they leave their money in the club with a majority stake as long as they don't run the club anymore.

Shi is a cancer on Wolves, until he's gone there is no way back for Fosun.

I'd rather they sell and fuck off never to be seen again.

And the notion every owner will be worse than these Chinese Ashley's is for the birds.
The problem I have with "just sell" is we actually aren't worth very much. Like the ground is permanently worth £0, effectively. It also needs a fair bit of work doing to it, we have poor hospitality facilities and a stand that's 45 years old. You wouldn't be allowed to knock down the training ground and sell it either.
The problem I have with "just sell" is we actually aren't worth very much. Like the ground is permanently worth £0, effectively. It also needs a fair bit of work doing to it, we have poor hospitality facilities and a stand that's 45 years old. You wouldn't be allowed to knock down the training ground and sell it either.
Most people see the ground like that but it's actually a solid asset. It's not going anywhere, you can't change the surroundings, the only thing an owner doesn't own is the physical soil itself but it's worth next to nothing anyway.
I don’t think you are in a position where you can dictate what my opinion should be. If they fuck off it achieves them not being Wolves owners and I will take my chances.
I wasn't. I was trying to have a higher level conversation than you seem capable.
And the notion every owner will be worse than these Chinese Ashley's is for the birds.
Not so much the notion the next will be worse but does need a degree of Fosun giving a shit when they sell up. Rather than just lumping it at the first person/group that offers what they want.

Will they accept a 777 style group or will they want someone who will at least try to run us properly. What will their due diligence be, will it be Jeff Shi running the decision making etc

We could end up with a great owner or we could end up with what Villa, Blues, Albion, Reading etc etc got because the previous owners gave zero shits once they knew a wad of cash was heading their way.

Right now, if pushed I think we get to take part in ownership roulette
Most people see the ground like that but it's actually a solid asset. It's not going anywhere, you can't change the surroundings, the only thing an owner doesn't own is the physical soil itself but it's worth next to nothing anyway.

But you can't sell it and move somewhere else, like Everton are doing. From that point of view it is worth £0.
Not so much the notion the next will be worse but does need a degree of Fosun giving a shit when they sell up. Rather than just lumping it at the first person/group that offers what they want.

Will they accept a 777 style group or will they want someone who will at least try to run us properly. What will their due diligence be, will it be Jeff Shi running the decision making etc

We could end up with a great owner or we could end up with what Villa, Blues, Albion, Reading etc etc got because the previous owners gave zero shits once they knew a wad of cash was heading their way.

Right now, if pushed I think we get to take part in ownership roulette
Undoubtedly that is a worry and also points to the moral vacuum the current shitbags operate in.
But you can't sell it and move somewhere else, like Everton are doing. From that point of view it is worth £0.
That implies every ground could be. Anfield is the same as is Old Trafford, they are literally prevented from moving by the council.

I think the ground is an asset and it's worth improving as Spurs prove.

Got have the owners to do that and the current shitheads aren't going to do that.
It's worth improving because we have a golf stand and a main stand (in old money) that is older than me :)

What you don't get is a West Ham style land grab where you (as a prospective owner) can sell where you currently sit, move and make money. That equation - even if they hadn't got the stupid deal that they have off that wanker Johnson - made them a way more attractive proposition to the Pornodwarves than we are.
Ooh. I understand why people think you’re a dick now.
This was a dick comment... "I don’t think you are in a position where you can dictate what my opinion should be."

I never did that. Move on if you aren't capable of reasoned debate. I started this thread because I wanted to hear opinions in regard to Fosun that might be positive. Unfortunately, it's turned pretty negative. You haven't helped.
That implies every ground could be. Anfield is the same as is Old Trafford, they are literally prevented from moving by the council.

I think the ground is an asset and it's worth improving as Spurs prove.

Got have the owners to do that and the current shitheads aren't going to do that.
The ground is something of an asset as Wolves own the leasehold and there is a value in that.
This was a dick comment... "I don’t think you are in a position where you can dictate what my opinion should be."

I never did that. Move on if you aren't capable of reasoned debate. I started this thread because I wanted to hear opinions in regard to Fosun that might be positive. Unfortunately, it's turned pretty negative. You haven't helped.

You aren't going to get positive opinions though. Look at the list of stuff I put up. They've been dreadful for years.