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The Doctor has been involved in lots of bad things, from destroying entire civilisations to leaving children to die on the battlefield!
Sensible policies for a happier Britain.
The Doctor has been involved in lots of bad things, from destroying entire civilisations to leaving children to die on the battlefield!
Sat and watched the "Angels of manhattan" episode last night.
Probably one of Matt Smiths better episodes and in hat weird Doctor Who way the Angels seemed to be good and evil at the same time in the final scene. They're still my favourite of the Doctor villians because of the way they're portrayed silent but kinda deadly.
Like the best kind of fart.
Bradley Walsh will be the new companion:
BrexitNow, England, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
Ah, good old PC BBC..nice of them to deprive young white boys of any role models. The show is dead.
+427 -92
Dan54321, London, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Are there any young, s t r a i g h t, w h1te men left in the Doctor Who universe anywhere? Seriously, since Matt Smith left back in 2013 there have been no prominent or recurring w h1te male characters on the show under the age of 40. Under the age of 45 for s t r a i g h t w h i te male characters (ie. not Matt Lucas). The BBC constantly claims to be all about "representation" and d i v e r s i t y, and yet they seem to have glaringly and deliberately omitted representation of the show's core viewer d e m og r aphic. Hmm, I wonder why the ratings have tanked (down 2 million on average) over the last few years?
+256 -44
BrexitNow, England, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Yup. Just like TV advertising where the m I n o r I t I e s are represented as the majority and men are to be laughed at. Thankfully, people are wise to their agenda.
+155 -23
SJSJ, Merseyside, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
So PC BBC - a woman doctor, a b lack man, an a sian woman (from Hollyoaks!) and even an OAP (sorry Bradley)...well in.
+240 -38
MangoTango, Truro, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Been a lifelong Dr Who fan but I won't be watching anymore. The BBC have ruined it with their pc agenda.
+219 -35
clanger300, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
BBC trying to tick all the boxes on their checklist
+194 -19
BabyOhBaby, NYC-London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
It's like a checklist. Which one is going to be g a y, which one t r a n s, and so forth.
+164 -17
VisceralRage, London, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Making Doctor Who a female is a solely political decision. It's designed to erase male figures of authority and prestige from fiction. A similar trend can be seen in many children's programmes and comic books. There have been calls to make the next James Bond female. The writers of the modern Doctor Who have long had issues with masculinity and shown a very submissive deference to anything female - it's very Freudian. The leftist subversives at the BBC know that influencing the culture will at some point change the political narrative. The left changes the culture in order to make their political goals easier to enact.
+130 -27
It's amazing that they get this angry if a white young male doesn't get roles but when actual minorities were not getting jobs they probably didn't feel like that! :icon_lol: