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The Music Thread Strikes Back

I'm suppose i'm just the anti-thesis to someone like James, and there are many more out there, who have the thought that anything recent is automatically shit.

It's not that i just make the decision to straight up ignore all old music on some sort of principle, i was subjected to a lot of old rock music growing up by my dad's brother but it just did nothing for me and that feeling continues today, i can't stand the likes of Black Sabbath or The Rolling Stones almost solely on the horrific vocals by their respective frontmen, i can't stand either of their voices. There are songs/bands from that era which i can stomach but i don't like any to the extent that i'm really going to go out of my way to find or listen to their stuff, i just doesn't appeal to be strongly enough, there are plenty of bands from within my lifetime that have been consigned to similar levels of apathy, some of which i was massive fans of different times. I used to adore Muse for a good while, Absolution being the album that won me over, i found out their previous two albums and i was a happy boy with that, since then i think they've got progressively worse with their new material though so i lost interest and now i don't even listen to any of the older stuff that i liked so much back then, they've just been replaced.

I guess music just holds no real nostalgic value to me, i find enough new music that i like frequently enough that older stuff just gets pushed out of regular listening and forgot about.

Fair enough. For me, anything I haven't heard before is new music whether it was released yesterday or in 1958. Nothing to do with nostalgia. (Though I do listen nostalgically to lots of old stuff too). Most music of any era is shite (to my ears) but it's fun to find the good stuff.
Fair enough. For me, anything I haven't heard before is new music whether it was released yesterday or in 1958. Nothing to do with nostalgia. (Though I do listen nostalgically to lots of old stuff too). Most music of any era is shite (to my ears) but it's fun to find the good stuff.

I quite agree. I often stumble across old bands I'd never previously heard. I can't bracket music made before I was born into a category all on it's own - the choice and the spectrum is so broad that I'd be missing out on so much if I was that close minded.

I grew up with the likes of The Beatles, Stones, Who, Kinks, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Clapton etc etc etc due to my parents influences, but I've got into so many more bands since then from yesteryear - Velvet Underground, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Aerosmith, Johnny Cash, Buddy Guy - none of those were influenced by my childhood really, I've come across them in my own way and my own time.
I quite agree. I often stumble across old bands I'd never previously heard. I can't bracket music made before I was born into a category all on it's own - the choice and the spectrum is so broad that I'd be missing out on so much if I was that close minded.

I grew up with the likes of The Beatles, Stones, Who, Kinks, Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Clapton etc etc etc due to my parents influences, but I've got into so many more bands since then from yesteryear - Velvet Underground, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Aerosmith, Johnny Cash, Buddy Guy - none of those were influenced by my childhood really, I've come across them in my own way and my own time.

I suppose you've only delved into that backlog of music because of your fondness for bands from a similar era which you were exposed to by your parents. My experience of bands of that time didn't provide the enjoyment that yours, and many others, have received so i've not felt the need to look into it in any more detail since i've found music i enjoy a great deal more in other eras. With anything really you're only going to be drawn more into things if you enjoy your initial experience of it, or you're determined to get into something perhaps.

Going to see this girl tonight in Glasgow. Can't wait, she's fucking class.
I suppose you've only delved into that backlog of music because of your fondness for bands from a similar era which you were exposed to by your parents. My experience of bands of that time didn't provide the enjoyment that yours, and many others, have received so i've not felt the need to look into it in any more detail since i've found music i enjoy a great deal more in other eras. With anything really you're only going to be drawn more into things if you enjoy your initial experience of it, or you're determined to get into something perhaps.

Not necessarily - in many cases it's been because such bands influenced current favourites of mine. Or that friends have recommended them. Some sounds are so hard to categorize or 'date' - it's why I think it's totally pointless to group music together as 'old stuff'.

I might read a biography of a favourite artist, and decide to try out some of the artists cited in the book. I might see a solo artist on Sky Arts or something and enjoy what I've heard so read up on their history and give their early stuff a go. Or I might watch a film about them.

Personally, I think that saying 'I'm not keen on old music' is a bit like saying 'I don't like watching Barcelona play because I don't like blue'.
Be My Baby by the Ronettes was on the radio yesterday and I was very happy when my daughter said, "I quite like old music. This is old music, isn't it?" She will grow up with awesome taste - that is, like the same things I do - and I will have been a successful parent.
Not necessarily - in many cases it's been because such bands influenced current favourites of mine. Or that friends have recommended them. Some sounds are so hard to categorize or 'date' - it's why I think it's totally pointless to group music together as 'old stuff'.

I might read a biography of a favourite artist, and decide to try out some of the artists cited in the book. I might see a solo artist on Sky Arts or something and enjoy what I've heard so read up on their history and give their early stuff a go. Or I might watch a film about them.

Personally, I think that saying 'I'm not keen on old music' is a bit like saying 'I don't like watching Barcelona play because I don't like blue'.

Other than your silly last line i can see some fair points in there.

I can see the influences or friend recommendations point of view, sort of liking them by proxy i guess so why not give them a go directly and see what you think. The other mediums of discovery, books, films, TV or whatever else just come back to my previous idea about the initial experience, you like what you've seen in a small glimpse so you feel drawn to delve into their back catalogue and see if that liking goes beyond the one song, album or performance you've just witnessed. As i said previously, that's sort of how i went with Muse, liked the songs they released off one particular album and discovered more of them but if i hadn't like what i heard from Absolution then i probably wouldn't have bothered, if i'd been say 5 years younger i probably wouldn't have ever got into Muse at all because i didn't like what would've then been there current releases and never felt encouraged to check out their previous work.

There's definitely a far amount of generalising that goes on with music, both positive and negative, assuming you will or won't like an act based on any manner of different associations with different eras, genres, individuals or whatever else. I suppose there's just as much chance someone could recommend me a 70s era group that i'd turn out to really like as someone else could recommend me something more recent and in line with my current tastes that i uterly can't stand.

Still doesn't change that in my experience i've heard very little music from before my lifetime that i've liked to an extent that i've wanted to investigate that act or genre any further, to this day, nothing i've heard from back then does anything for me to any great extent, regardless of it's genre.
I haven't heard that Suicidal Tendencies track in years. Great band. That it was released in 1983 makes me feel very old.

yep, great great song. featured in repo man. written before some people were born.
I bought that album about a year after it came out. I also had the possessed to skate picture disc which I stupidly gave away. Worth a fair bit today as well. Grrrrr....
Johnny Marr's new album is getting good reviews. Not listened to it yet but will soon.
Got home and those nice people at Amazon have delivered me a new copy of Dirt by Alice in Chains. I played my original to death, so it is nice to have it back after many years missing it in the collection.
What an album that is. Layne is another huge loss.
I don't really know them. Saying that, the newer stuff they played at Sonisphere in July really stood up well. They were tremendous.
Was listening to a Rick Wakeman interview the other day and he recalled signing a Yes lp for some kid and he said
"what you doing listening to this old stuff"
The young lad took great offense at this and replied.
"It may be old to you... but its new to me"
Wakeman said he had never forgot that.

Ill accept some Suicidal T and lay down some classic DRI
FKA Twigs last night was just ace. Brilliant gig.