I've only had one bath poo incident and that was in the little baby bath rather than the actual bath so was easy to dispose of. All other incidents have occurred while I was at work.
Toddler poo's in the potty are bad. They are real breath holders and the size of them are scary! Thankfully Belle sits on the toilet for most of hers.
Yes, endure.
I have no choice but to clean up after my own mess, that's just life, unless I wish to shuffle through life smelling of stale shit. Anything on top of that however is optional, I don't really want to be messing with any more shit than is necessary so I'll opt out of the years of sorting out someone else's dirty arse on top of my own thanks.
Has anyone else with kids found that their house has become infested with stickers? The $#@!ing things are EVERYWHERE!
Beware that they don't grow out of stickers as they get older - found a load in various places round the house after our eldest visited & he was 19 at the time and had moved out!!
No they don't Parkin, especially girls. I'm 52 and still buy stickers! Although these days Im more careful where I stick em. I collect flower ones and put them in me sticker book. My kindle cover is covered in Wolves ones, and Mr Penguins lunch box is covered with cute penguins ( much to his dismay)
Has anyone else with kids found that their house has become infested with stickers? The fucking things are EVERYWHERE!
They are ALWAYS stuck to the bottom of my socks too!