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The Incoming Transfers Everywhere Thread: Summer 2023

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Thanks for taking the time Punts, now, assuming this is all correct, and i've no reason to believe it isn't.

WHY are Fosun telling us it's FFP?

If it is the Chinese economy, why aren't they being honest about that? If they DO want to sell, then why aren't they being honest about that? If Jeff Shi has made a big fuck up (aside from his general running of the club) why hasn't he been sacked?
Probably miles off as I was pretty careless with it but even fif it’s £20m out I still can’t see how we’re not clear.

Why are they saying it?

Well if they don’t put the £30m in then we aren’t likely to be clear. But pretty much everyone else in the league will be and our general revenues are pretty shit so we will have less spending power than others whilst being poorly run = relegation.

The other option is they want to sell and a profit makes us more attractive. Jeff claims they are “fully committed” so seems unlikely unless it’s a random bluff.

So my guess is they don’t want to spend. But I don’t think being honest about that will go down to well so it’s easier to just say FFP!
So my guess is they don’t want to spend. But I don’t think being honest about that will go down to well so it’s easier to just say FFP!
I think it's this simple.
They don't want to spend the money they have found it would take to be a genuine contender.
They don't want to sell up.
FFP is easy to sell to people, particularly seeing as we did actually breach UEFA rules that one time.
Woo, hang on, i don't believe the FFP line from Fosun, however, I can understand why there are people who DO believe it, as they haven't been given evidence that categorically tells them otherwise.

Also, the "what you've been shown" stuff is what exactly? Unless you are referring to something I've not seen?

I think where your argument falls down a bit is that you're working on the assumption that certain elements of our fans are capable of letting their heads rule their hearts on matters of the heart.

We've seen it with the season ticket discussion, they're so eager to believe the club they love aren't lying to them that they parrot a miniscule increase to the club but sizable to supporters is vital for us to remain competitive.

This is despite the clear evidence - Sky money, other clubs not increasing every year as we have, us not spending etc etc

It's the same blind adherence to club propaganda. I don't take the piss out of these people, I hold them in contempt; their ignorance enables Fosun, Shi, and Clark, and let's face it, ignorance in this age is a choice. They choose ignorance because the alternative - the reality - that we supporters dont matter, is too painful.
Holding people in contempt seems harsher than taking the piss out of them.
[Mod] I've just tidied up the FFP stuff from the live match thread and moved it all into here. [/Mod]
Up until about 3 weeks ago the prospect of selling Hwang was amusing. Now he's on his redemption tour and has actually started to look like he knows what a football is and doesn't try to kick it away every time it comes near him, he's actually looking like he could be an asset (of sorts). And we know if we sold him we'd see exactly diddly squat of the money invested in new players.
Holding people in contempt seems harsher than taking the piss out of them.

Just copying my reply here so it doesn't clutter up the other thread..


I've had to give up seeing the team I love and I'm furious with both Fosun and their enablers
I think that’s taking it personally but I can’t stop you feeling how you feel.
As I said before, I don’t care about selling any of our players - most of them are pretty shit.

It’s about replacing them - or not replacing them, in our case.

Therefore we can’t afford to lose anyone - even the tea lady.
As I said before, I don’t care about selling any of our players - most of them are pretty shit.

It’s about replacing them - or not replacing them, in our case.

Therefore we can’t afford to lose anyone - even the tea lady.
Can’t overlook losing the tea/cookie pairings I’m convinced she and Hwang do with the squad weekly. Properly tragic.
The tea’s just that good.
I'd have had you put down in June if you'd have said "I'm reluctant to sell Hwang in case we don't replace him adequately" but I agree
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