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The Goggle Box Thread

The Kings blood stuff. Melisandre put 3 leeches on Gendry and Stannis said 3 names as he threw them into the fire: the usurper Joffrey Baratheon, the usurper Robb Stark and the usurper Balon Greyjoy. 1 dying would be coincidence, 2 would be suspicious, 3 would be proof that it works. Except Balon Greyjoy is still alive! Stannis doesn't feel the need to question this before burning his daughter and only heir alive in front of his whole army?

Stannis survived months under seige in Storms End during the first war but now he's burning his daughter alive because of two feet of snow and '20 good men' setting fire to a few of his tents? Is that all he's achieving with this, to clear a path to Winterfell? Is that really worth burning your only daughter to death for and betraying everything that the character has stood for up until now? It doesn't make sense as a plot device and it runs contrary to everything Stannis has ever said, in the books or in the show.

Book Stannis, "No more burnings, half my army are non believers. Pray harder." Show Stannis, "Bit nippy out here isn't it? Tie my daughter to a stake and burn her alive, should warm us up". Shireen clearly burns in the 6th book (cheers D&D for confirming that in your 'Inside the Episode' and spoiling it for thousands of readers, I was getting impatient anyway) but no way does it happen like this, she's not even with Stannis on the march to Winterfell. It'll be Melisandre burning her at Castle Black after 'for the watch' IMO. They've completely annihilated Stannis' character and for what? A shocking scene? I don't care who wins between Stannis & the Bolton's now, it's turned into a turd sandwich vs giant douche competition.

The whole thing was just fucking stupid. As I said, fair play to D&D for nailing the scene but as storytellers they aren't even on the same planet as GRRM. Almost every divergence from the books has been painfully contrived.

As for the shock in Ep.10, they've been foreshadowing it all season, it's pretty obvious what's going to happen.
FFS come on folks - spoiler tags!! I'm still a few episodes behind.

Bloody Facebook has been a nightmare as well.
The net is dark and full of spoilers.

Facebook I can kind of understand - I'm not selfish enough to demand any person I know on there to not talk about it purely because I haven't watched it yet, but also on Facebook are adverts or links to articles with massive spoilers in the headlines, certain websites I tend to frequent (e.g. IGN) with a review of each episode with a less than subtle picture accompanying the link etc etc.

I'm certainly not actively looking for the bloody things but avoiding spoilers is proving to be far more difficult than it should be!
The Kings blood stuff. Melisandre put 3 leeches on Gendry and Stannis said 3 names as he threw them into the fire: the usurper Joffrey Baratheon, the usurper Robb Stark and the usurper Balon Greyjoy. 1 dying would be coincidence, 2 would be suspicious, 3 would be proof that it works. Except Balon Greyjoy is still alive! Stannis doesn't feel the need to question this before burning his daughter and only heir alive in front of his whole army?

Stannis survived months under seige in Storms End during the first war but now he's burning his daughter alive because of two feet of snow and '20 good men' setting fire to a few of his tents? Is that all he's achieving with this, to clear a path to Winterfell? Is that really worth burning your only daughter to death for and betraying everything that the character has stood for up until now? It doesn't make sense as a plot device and it runs contrary to everything Stannis has ever said, in the books or in the show.

Book Stannis, "No more burnings, half my army are non believers. Pray harder." Show Stannis, "Bit nippy out here isn't it? Tie my daughter to a stake and burn her alive, should warm us up". Shireen clearly burns in the 6th book (cheers D&D for confirming that in your 'Inside the Episode' and spoiling it for thousands of readers, I was getting impatient anyway) but no way does it happen like this, she's not even with Stannis on the march to Winterfell. It'll be Melisandre burning her at Castle Black after 'for the watch' IMO. They've completely annihilated Stannis' character and for what? A shocking scene? I don't care who wins between Stannis & the Bolton's now, it's turned into a turd sandwich vs giant douche competition.

The whole thing was just $#@!ing stupid. As I said, fair play to D&D for nailing the scene but as storytellers they aren't even on the same planet as GRRM. Almost every divergence from the books has been painfully contrived.

As for the shock in Ep.10, they've been foreshadowing it all season, it's pretty obvious what's going to happen.

Care to elaborate on your last point?
This season has diverged that much from the original books that I am not drawing the comparison any more, to do so just winds me up and I like my escapism into this bastardised version of Westeros light and unspoilt. Ollie's betrayal is doing Jon a favour (if this happens) since we all know I assume that L+R=J and will open up his story arc for season 6? It neatly sidesteps a lot of drawn out plot with minor characters in the books for people with short attention spans - not that I endorse this but it's not written for a UK audience who demand more from their drama. To me the most disappointing aspect has been the lack of action in Dorne and the Sansa storyline. They have had it in for women this season and I really REALLY hope they redress the balance starting in episode 10. Stannis, yes massive plot hole agreed (Greyjoys and all of that plot has been conveniently forgotten too no?). It was a shitty thing to do but if D&D are going to waste him shortly then it spares the viewers any anxiety that he's going to be toast, literally.
Anyone planning watching Humans on C4 this weekend?
Essentially it's a re-working of the frankenstein idea, but I am everso intrigued by genuine AI, so I'm likely to give it a go.
Anyone planning watching Humans on C4 this weekend?
Essentially it's a re-working of the frankenstein idea, but I am everso intrigued by genuine AI, so I'm likely to give it a go.

I saw the tv ads for this and was intrigued. It has the feel of the menace of Stepford wives about it, might put it on if it doesn't freak Paddy out too much :icon_lol:
Anyone planning watching Humans on C4 this weekend?
Essentially it's a re-working of the frankenstein idea, but I am everso intrigued by genuine AI, so I'm likely to give it a go.

The android in the advert does seem rather pretty as well, must start saving up if it's the future, although being shunned by AI being would be a new low :)
That's partially what attracted me. The implied menace of the machines.
I may join you here for a discussion monday, squeeze!
The android in the advert does seem rather pretty as well, must start saving up if it's the future, although being shunned by AI being would be a new low :)

I've been turned down by worse...:)
The Kings blood stuff. Melisandre put 3 leeches on Gendry and Stannis said 3 names as he threw them into the fire: the usurper Joffrey Baratheon, the usurper Robb Stark and the usurper Balon Greyjoy. 1 dying would be coincidence, 2 would be suspicious, 3 would be proof that it works. Except Balon Greyjoy is still alive! Stannis doesn't feel the need to question this before burning his daughter and only heir alive in front of his whole army?

Stannis survived months under seige in Storms End during the first war but now he's burning his daughter alive because of two feet of snow and '20 good men' setting fire to a few of his tents? Is that all he's achieving with this, to clear a path to Winterfell? Is that really worth burning your only daughter to death for and betraying everything that the character has stood for up until now? It doesn't make sense as a plot device and it runs contrary to everything Stannis has ever said, in the books or in the show.

Book Stannis, "No more burnings, half my army are non believers. Pray harder." Show Stannis, "Bit nippy out here isn't it? Tie my daughter to a stake and burn her alive, should warm us up". Shireen clearly burns in the 6th book (cheers D&D for confirming that in your 'Inside the Episode' and spoiling it for thousands of readers, I was getting impatient anyway) but no way does it happen like this, she's not even with Stannis on the march to Winterfell. It'll be Melisandre burning her at Castle Black after 'for the watch' IMO. They've completely annihilated Stannis' character and for what? A shocking scene? I don't care who wins between Stannis & the Bolton's now, it's turned into a turd sandwich vs giant douche competition.

The whole thing was just fucking stupid. As I said, fair play to D&D for nailing the scene but as storytellers they aren't even on the same planet as GRRM. Almost every divergence from the books has been painfully contrived.

As for the shock in Ep.10, they've been foreshadowing it all season, it's pretty obvious what's going to happen.
Stannis is now desperate though. The show has made it clear that he they are running out of food, the men are all freezing and they had loads of horses killed. Davos said they don't have enough food to get back to Castle Black so Stannis has to put everything into one final push now. Since he's desperate he'll do anything to fulfill his "destiny", even if that means torching his daughter.
I'm too keen when I see a new post!
Btw, how did you end up watching GoT? Did you go for NowTV?