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The Goggle Box Thread

Even though it's not been shown over here yet, I'm already getting some GoT spoilers plastered over Facebook which is driving me up the fucking wall.

PLEASE can I ask anyone who watches tonight to use spoilers when they inevitably post about it? I hope to catch up at some point next week but it's so frustrating to see so many all over the t'interweb!
Why not just avoid facebook and all that shite?
I appreciate what you're trying to do, but if you avoid the risk, it's easier to manage.
Why not just avoid facebook and all that shite?
I appreciate what you're trying to do, but if you avoid the risk, it's easier to manage.

Because I use Facebook a lot for communicating with people - it's just a bit annoying that so many people choose to post pretty blatant plot lines as their statuses. Not that I'm expecting every person I'm friends with to refrain from doing so just for my benefit of course!!

There are a lot of website I do avoid to reduce the risk. I'll be doing all I can to catch up as quickly as possible.
Back to humans, laughed at this quote in the guardian review of it:
They are already doing all the jobs people don’t really want to do, not just in the house, but street cleaning, handing out free newspapers, sex work etc (they are basically a bit like immigrants, I’m afraid). But it won’t be long before they’re doing the jobs you might want to do yourself – doctor, lawyer, politician, TV critic, footballer perhaps.
Even though it's not been shown over here yet, I'm already getting some GoT spoilers plastered over Facebook which is driving me up the $#@!ing wall.

PLEASE can I ask anyone who watches tonight to use spoilers when they inevitably post about it? I hope to catch up at some point next week but it's so frustrating to see so many all over the t'interweb!

I'm fairly sure there's a FB add-on that lets you blacklist posts with certain words (like "Game of Thrones", for example). May be worth looking into, as I've had it spoiled for me as well.
did not expect Jon Snow to cope it, that was a massive surprise. Mutinous overthrowing, yep, but that was a shocker. Did anybody else feel that in general, the episode had too much going on? There seemed to be a death every other scene, yet really the first few episodes were really quite slow. I think they've timed to season terribly in that aspect. I appreciate you've got to build up to a big finish, but it was too far for me.

And I still can't work out whether arya is now dead, blind, 'nothing' or something else.
Sorry to disappoint but that was a body double not Lena Headey.
I like that some of the threads in the books have been brought back, such as Theon and Sansa (Jeyne Poole) although how that works out with Ramsay and the Night's Watch remains to be seen. Arya is now (or should be) blind which is part of her story in the books but she regains her sight so that seems consistent. Sam going off to maester school is a longer-winded version of what was in the books and I have a feeling that he will kill people (or someone) to try and get access to the stone candle - there's a part in one of the books where someone gets offed by a very apologetic murderer and I think that is him. A little disappointed to see that the Mountain has been resurrected apart from looking a little peaky, I had hoped for it to be his body with Ed Stark's head or something. Dany reconnecting with the Khal is also accurate.

Not sure what will happen with Jaime now that Myrcella has apparently been offed (was that Prince Doran or the Sand Snakes though?) - that might send him back to his part in the books where he's farting around in the middle of nowhere and eventually meets Lady Stoneheart/Catelyn Stark which I thought was an absolute load of horseshit in terms of plot development. Whether they tweak it so that he meets (his fate) with Brienne or they switch characters and resurrect Stannis (after all, we didn't see her actually kill him and they made a whole fuss of that in Thronecast) is up for debate.

Jon Snow is definitely dead, according to the interview he gave, so I'm not sure where that leaves that plotline unless they exploit his ability to warg and/or bring Brann back next season.
did not expect Jon Snow to cope it, that was a massive surprise. Mutinous overthrowing, yep, but that was a shocker. Did anybody else feel that in general, the episode had too much going on? There seemed to be a death every other scene, yet really the first few episodes were really quite slow. I think they've timed to season terribly in that aspect. I appreciate you've got to build up to a big finish, but it was too far for me.

And I still can't work out whether arya is now dead, blind, 'nothing' or something else.
Agreed. The first half of the season was too slow compared to the last 4 episodes.
Not as if Headey would have been less attractive to look at.

As for the body hair thing, just look at Rose Leslie's (love of my life) nude scene. She was a straight-up Wildling and barely a hair on her. Cersei at least is royalty of a sort so would make some sense for her to be groomed.
Chris Evans signed a 3 year deal to take over Top Gear.

Would have been disappointed with this a few weeks ago, but loved TFI and if he can generate the same live buzz then it will be great.