My folks have been recording GoT Season 5 for me and I have now caught up so thought I'd add my comments on the changes between books/TV show
I think that the Tyrion/Mormont aspect is going to cover a few of the threads in the last few books, see below:
Obviously they've moved Mormont into an earlier reappearance and covering the Griff role, especially now that he has greyscale, however I think he will also take on the Strong Bulwas role in the fighting pits which may bring the show back towards the book insomuch that we may see Dany's attempted poisoning. I think that by the end of the season we will see the return of the Dothraki, also as per the books, but I'm not sure on Jon Snow's path as it seemed to lean towards him going off with the Wildlings (again).
Sounds like a pretty bitter contractual dispute. I never knew Harry shearer played Derek smalls in spinal tap.
The Agents Of SHIELD S2 finale was pretty damn good this week.
I'll be glad when The Simpsons is finally put out of its misery, any episode made in the last 10 years is genuinely unwatchable and the 4-5 years before that are tepid at best. The first eight seasons or so are absolutely timeless.
Yeah that made me laugh. I wonder if it was a little Breaking Bad reference.Hell yeah.
'Science, biatches....'
To quote today's youth - I am very disappoint!You may jest. I just never made the connection. God knows why. Every day is a school day.
You may jest. I just never made the connection. God knows why. Every day is a 'special school' day.
Harry Shearer - Mr Burns, Smithers, Principal Skinner etc - is leaving the Simpsons. I know it's now illegal to admit to still enjoying the Simpsons but I think that's a big shame. Not quite sure how they can keep it going without those characters.
I did post this news 3 hours earlier, but none of you read my posts!