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The Football Coaching Thread

Nice one mate. Can see myself using most of them, last one I like particularly as my coach used that when I was playing last year and I think my under 13s would be okay with it.

Under 13s did okay last week, won 3-0 but could have been a hell of a lot better. Still frustrating though as we just seek to sit of the other team of the ball, when I want them to really press and do it quickly. They did it for the last 15 minutes and they played excellent, so hopefully they push on from that.
yeah that last drill is good, he was being really strong with his coaching during that in terms of encouraging and praise. He came across really well. At the end he asked if there were any questions and I asked a couple but everyone else just went. Then I told him I was a Wolves fan and spent about 20 minutes chatting with him, really friendly and approachable. Was talking about how they had done the day recently at the training ground where they invited coaches in as they like to be as friendly and approachable as possible.

I did a similar thing with the delay yesterday actually. I had 16 at my adult training last night and we are playing on a really small pitch saturday, so I split the teams up for the final game so there were 6 reds and 2 yellows on one team and the rest non bibs. When the bibs had the ball it was 8v8. However upon losing it the yellows joined the non bibs so it became an over load and meant the bibs had to drop back in and compress.
We played a side a couple of divisions below us today and won 10-0. A really really good performance though. One of the players played for the first time yesterday and will be going with them again next week. He is only 16 so its a really impressive accomplishment, would love to go watch but am off to my folks after my own match next Saturday morning.
strange way to work, he should really be contacting your club to ask for permission if you are at home. Not sure if Norwich do it, but a lot of the pro clubs are trying to build better links with community clubs so you should enquire if they will let you watch them work or come put a session on for your lads.

I was speaking to a Championship club youth scout last week and he was saying that although he shouldn't, he turns up to watch games without the permission of the clubs involved. If a player from a particular side catches his eye, then the club will be contacted with a view to put on a session for all of the lads in that team. They then get a closer look at how the said lad performs in the coaching session before contacting the parents etc.
Under 13s won 7-1, improving every week. Got a good group of players, 16 (nearly all of them at training every week!) and when it clicks during games they are devastating sometimes. Three games running they have finished teams off with 10-15 minutes left, so as well as the technical side of it I think the Futsal is really helping with fitness too!
Good weekend footy. u8s drew their game (without two strongest players), but really played some excellent football at times. Starting to play first time passes and after focusing the last few weeks getting them to receive at an angle in training it seems to be paying off!

u13s scored 9 in their second half in an 11-1 win too. We had no keeper, so when a defender went in goal for second half we went three-four-three and it really clicked. Gave me food for thought and they boys loved it. Couple of my newer players (one is a year younger) who have looked nervous to start with both got themselves goals too which hopefully will be a nice confident boost.

Thinking about it, it was quite interesting. The back free consisted of my two full backs as the outside defenders, but they were very disciplined. Stayed in their position, but were able to come out with the ball when we had it. Both quick and strong enough to do it
u8s did me proud again the other week. Had less players in the second game (having won the first one) and managed to come from behind twice to win! They didn't play particularly well either, tit's a case of one step back, two steps forward I'm finding. One week they can be all over the place, the next they look fantastic! Training is slowly improving too.

u13s managed to win against one of the top teams 5-1. Started with a three at the back again, and worked fairly well. The wide man in the 5 midfield didn't work as well as the week before, so at times there was a lot of space down the sides against a better team. Second half we were fantastic at bringing the ball out from the back. Centre backs pulled out wide to receive, took it on their back foot and had centre midfielders and their full backs as options. Slowed it down in the final third, so they could have won more convincly. Good stuff all round though!
This thread just appears to be me updating on how my teams are doing. Where is BMB?

Anyway... u8s didn't play brilliant, but won 9-1. Just seemed to be panicking at times and moving the ball as soon as it came to them. I want them to take their time and make the right decisions.

u13s did well again, won 6-0. My goalkeeper only touched it twice through the whole game, both in the same little spell too beginning of the second half. probably would have been more if not for a dodgy linesman, but that doesn't matter. Started with 3 at the back again. It works fine, and gives us extra options in the final third BUT they were a little slow to move into positions to receive the ball. They need to be more pro active, rather than waiting for someone to make that decision for them.

Games this weekend for both teams so no rest!! :)
Just heard that one of my players has been offered a contract at Spurs for next season, I haven't had the chance to work with him this year but did last year and he's very talented! Really pleased for him.

One of the others boys didn't get in but will be back with me for Saturday. Got an arsenal scout coming for the game so a good opportunity.
sorry been manic last few weeks, had a lot of issues with my folks and then at work our school was put into special measures so been a mental month. Will get some updates up after the new year, got an iPad now so going to have a look at that fa coaching up so can get some of the sessions up I have been doing with my adult team.
Sorry to hear that mate, hope everything is OK now. Look forward to seeing the sessions!

Be invited by Reading FC to a festival for my u8s, managed to get 9 of my players over so far to go! Also had one of them scouted and invited to train at Arsenal!
right an update from me, I have stepped down from Hallam FC for the time being, was gutted to do so however I have learnt a lot from being around the manager. It was interesting to see that the main difference between him and myself, was not different or more advanced sessions, but the amount of technical detail he gets in and the way he seamlessly moves from coaching an individual player to coaching the group. He seems to be able to effect the tempo of a session in a way I have personally never witnessed and so was really impressed by that. I have been given extra classes at work now though and with being so new to teaching and an unqualified teacher I don't want to mess of the opportunity, so for the time being I will only be coaching my adult side.

Just stuck my first practise up here via my twitter. It was a bit fiddly writing it on the pad, however I must say that as someone who struggles with dyslexia and has always been a bit ashamed of that I really really loved using the app, I don't have great visual space recognition when drawing so having all the scale and pictures set out for me was really useful.


although it doesn't seem to have stuck up any of the text.

also stuck it on dropbox
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ctgjy58x7m4uo44/Practice copy.pdf
That's a shame mate, but just keep working with your adult side and look for ways to improve yourself! Yeah the app looks quite good (and yes none of text came up when it clicked the link)

The team I played for last year on my college course recently played at Hallam FC's ground against Shef Utd U18s, knew I recognised the name when I was asking about the game and it was because you mentioned it in here! One of my team mates from last year has just signed a pro with Sheffield United , so keep an eye out aha!

Had lots of fun in reading, played in a really nice indoors facility and my boys played some good football. At spurs training ground for a similar event this Friday which should be good fun!
If you have a look at the 2nd link that should open with the text, not sure why posting it to twitter (via the app) seems to mess it up.

I remember seeing on the twitter feed that sheff u18 were playing, the pitch at Hallam is mental, it has a massive slope on it and is also a cricket ground so has a big open area at the side of the pitch.
If you have a look at the 2nd link that should open with the text, not sure why posting it to twitter (via the app) seems to mess it up.

I remember seeing on the twitter feed that sheff u18 were playing, the pitch at Hallam is mental, it has a massive slope on it and is also a cricket ground so has a big open area at the side of the pitch.
If you have a look at the 2nd link that should open with the text, not sure why posting it to twitter (via the app) seems to mess it up.

I remember seeing on the twitter feed that sheff u18 were playing, the pitch at Hallam is mental, it has a massive slope on it and is also a cricket ground so has a big open area at the side of the pitch.

Oh okay cool. And yeah I heard, the goalkeeper of the team I used to play for scored from his own area!!
It's interesting you say about a player getting picked up by Sheffield Utd, that is a lot more common than I would ever have imagined. Hallam FC u18s and u19s played Chesterfield and as a result two of them had trial periods with Chesterfield and am fairly sure one of them was on the verge of signing the youth pro contract (I have no idea what thats called these days but used to be a YTS).

Similarly Rotherham were looking to replace most of there 17 plus team at the start of this season. It was a bit of a surprise that pro clubs are still finding players out in the wild that are better than their own academy raised players.
My friend (name is CJ Hamilton) was actually playing for Sheffield Utd in that game, he went up on trial with two of my other team mates. Took a while to happen because was getting a decision when Weir was sacked, and Chris Morgan was caretaker manager instead of doing the u21s/reserves. Says Morgan is a fantastic coach. The YTS is just called a scholarship nowadays I think, I hear a lot of people say 'he got a two year scholar' etc

Academy's definitely miss out on players, you see a lot more getting signed after 16. For example, we played against Southend and Watford u18s. Narrowly lost to Southend missing a host of chances, and beat Watford 4-3. Now, I was a year older than a few of them but were they better players then me? Certainly not technically and I really doubt mentally. They had the opportunity of better coaches for years though. My problem was physically not being strong enough, but some of my mates have been given opportunities because they've had it all. There are always players out there that just haven't been given a chance yet.