I absolutely loathed Snyder's Sucker Punch with a passion. Horrible, horrible film.
It will be I guess but the claim that all comic fans will be salivating isn't really accurate. Marvel were far keener on team ups than dc really. It just means a bit of suspension of belief to see how they link the two heroes up and then I'm sure it will be pretty good. Needs to be suitably dark though. Superman and batman would be a fairly uneasy relationship.
The other problem I foresee is that superman has powers that would in the normal scheme of things completely overshadow batman so how do you make batman a meaningful character in the script if superman can do everything easily? No doubt they will use the old trope of kryptonite to even it up by weakening superman but I would hope they could think of a different method.
Trainspotting is a masterpiece.
I saw Hunger Games last night.
Absolutely loved it. Great film.
Amazing how different (in some ways) the book is.
Shallow Grave is an awesome film too.
The Olympic opening ceremony really was something to behold. For me, that was Boyle's masterpiece.