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It's obvious isn't it? Because he didn't want to ostracise Labour voters who voted leave.

Yep. Labour tried to take as many people with them as possible - respect the referendum but maintain a close relationship with the EU to protect jobs. There has never been a majority for this in the H of C as they've been undone by people on both sides of the debate refusing to compromise. The govts handling has been such that any talk of Norway style deals and soft Brexit have also been rejected by the public who are now No Deal or Revoke. Labour now just need to go for Revoke.
It's odd how Labours antisemitism backlog is blamed on the number of cases and the need to investigate thoroughly yet when they want to they can turn around a case in 48h.

Maybe claims of anti-semitism are more difficult to investigate than someone admitting they voted Lib Dem on national TV?
Well that depends if you draw your conclusions from EU elections where turnout was around 30% on a single issue, or whether you look at GE polling which has had Labour leading for quite a few weeks now.

So far their strategy has seen the PM forced out and them leading in polls, hardly a disaster is it?

Now is the time to turn the screw though.

This made me laugh. You're deluded if you think Labour had anything to do with the PM being forced out.
Maybe claims of anti-semitism are more difficult to investigate than someone admitting they voted Lib Dem on national TV?

Turns out the Commission on Human Rights think that's a load of bollocks and is starting an investigation into the Labour Party on this very issue.

Who thought that antisemitism is rife in the Labour Party? It's so well hidden and difficult to root out.
Maybe claims of anti-semitism are more difficult to investigate than someone admitting they voted Lib Dem on national TV?
Cop. Out.
Labour have turned into an utterly shameful party.
It is alleged that they've misused an auto expulsion rule which is in place for anybody who stands for or campaigns for another Party in the run up to an election. He did neither.
Alastair Campbell knew that publicly declaring he'd voted for another party would lead to auto-exclusion. There is an interview of him discussing this very thing with Owen Jones.
Why is Labour incredibly quick to deal with disloyalty to the Dear Leader, but seemingly ignorant of other transgressions. Ive mentioned Kate Hoey, but theres backlog of cases relating to antisemitism, death/rape threats to MPs deemed unsupportive of Corbyn (Berger, Phillips, Umunna, Streeting etc).

When Labour is described as institutionally antisemitic, this is the point, Some complaints are blatantly seen as not as important as others.
Yes the parliamentary arithmetic had nothing to do with her being unable to get her deal through.

I think most parties assume the opposition would vote against the government of the time, so it would be fair to say it had nothing to do with the Labour Party and people are deliberately missing the point if they think this was anything but the Tories and their own civil war.

If I remember correctly Corbyn has already had one go at an election and failed, what makes anybody think he's an answer to anything other than 'who could be leader of a party against the worst government in peacetime history?'

Alastair Campbell knew that publicly declaring he'd voted for another party would lead to auto-exclusion. There is an interview of him discussing this very thing with Owen Jones.

The conversation is with Ian Dale isn't it? And it's post voting in the elections not before, isn't the rule on declaring for another party before an election leading to expulsion?
The conversation is with Ian Dale isn't it? And it's post voting in the elections not before, isn't the rule on declaring for another party before an election leading to expulsion?
There is a conversation with Jones where he's asked if Blair voted for Corbyn in the GE and he says yes and thinks it's against Party rules to vote against.
Andrew Fisher endorsed a non Labour candidate in a general election. He's now Corbyn's head of policy.
I think most parties assume the opposition would vote against the government of the time, so it would be fair to say it had nothing to do with the Labour Party and people are deliberately missing the point if they think this was anything but the Tories and their own civil war.

If I remember correctly Corbyn has already had one go at an election and failed, what makes anybody think he's an answer to anything other than 'who could be leader of a party against the worst government in peacetime history?'

The conversation is with Ian Dale isn't it? And it's post voting in the elections not before, isn't the rule on declaring for another party before an election leading to expulsion?

Not quite what I meant. The 2017 GE changed the numbers and May has been unable to pass her WA as a result. If she wins a 50 seat majority we're not having this discussion. You'll say the GE result was down to May being a shit campaigner but this ignores the fact the Cons got their best share since 1992 and that their vote barely changed from the opinion polls before the election was called. The game changer was Labour closing the gap which happened for 3 reasons:
1. Bold manifesto offering things that people wanted.
2. Broadcasting rules meaning fairer coverage of Labour and Corbyn.
3. Labour respecting the referendum result which stopped it from being a Brexit election.
I'd say a lot of people were, like me, suckered in by the thought of a nice and principled man being prime minister. However with each passing week since the last General Election he has shown himself to be a man out of his depth, damaging to the country, and an all-round uselss fuck nugget.
As a former Liberal voter and labour I will never vote for Corbyn. He has shown himself to be just as 2 faced as the rest and hasn't got the balls to fully declare on the biggest political issue of our generation.

The Tories are toast now, which I would shed no tears for but labour as it stands is completely unelectable and I would vote tactically to keep them out.

As someone that honestly thought I was centre left for most of my life I now consider myself centre right. I see smear after smear against the likes of Farage with no substance at all to back it up.

I would love someone to explain why he is the Antichrist without using terms such as racist, bigoted etc... Which there is no evidence for.

Given the industry I work in I've been subjected to hours of Brexit talk including 4 hours of presentations from independently hired financial experts from Mazak (pro remain) and to be honest it looked pretty good for brexit.

I've voted for Farage in the euros but I would welcome a reasoned argument to why I was wrong to do so, I just dont believe it exists.

I know this place is very heavily left leaning but be nice and it's a conversation I would love to have.

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Well, he is a racist.

Give me some time and I'll explain what a despicable Kermit faced cunt this man is.
That breaking point poster is maybe a good place to start
Well, he is a racist.

Give me some time and I'll explain what a despicable Kermit faced cunt this man is.
I've got a beer and I'm happy to read. But please none of this by association bullshit. I want to see clear evidence that he is racist, which to date I have seen none whatsoever.

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