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The House of Commons has had enough. All business suspended today due to a leak in the roof.

MP's back on Monday.

Not a leak but a burst pipe and Uri Geller has claimed he caused it :icon_lol::icon_lol:
Delay until the 30th June is being requested. Can see the EU saying no to that.
Last time we asked for that, they said no and put May on her own in a room with no windows for five hours while they sorted something sensible out.

She knows we'll have to go for Tusk's plan, she just hasn't got the guts to actually say it.
Apparently talks between Tory and Labour Ministers yesterday were a lot more constructive than the May/Corbyn ones but you just know whatever they agree will be rejected by May as it isn't her deal

We have to negotiate with these people for years, you moron. How exactly has "being a pack of wankers" worked out for us so far?
It's clear that May is the problem and with the ERG having burned the one Tories 'no confidence' motion she knows she's safe. Tories aren't going to vote for a no confidence motion against the government to trigger a GE so that leaves us with an atrocious leader who nobody wants and nobody can get rid of.

There must be a way out of this that isn't a military coup.
He's only announced it today.

He's offering a year but if we ratify a deal within that period we can leave at any time.

Ah ok. Thats quite good then

I'm actually starting to think that Britain may not leave at all at this rate......the E.U. seem to be holding the door open more and more, and I can see a GE being called within a year, and if a new Government comes in, they may just see sense and revoke the whole thing...
We're supposed to go back with some form of other plan (presumably out of talks between the two Glorious Leaders, combined age 131 so no doubt they have their finger on the pulse). You would think this needs to go before Parliament, just to explain what we're taking if nothing else.

They should be sitting at weekends at the moment where possible, let alone taking Fridays off because, well just because. They have ANOTHER recess coming up soon too...

Heard a compariosn last night on the radio between these and probably the last really crucial talks held in this part of the world which were the Good Friday agreement, then Bill Clinton would stop up all night at the end of a phone if he was required, as would Tony Blair, Bertie Ahern was back at Stormount the morning after his mothers funeral and a number of the negotiating teams would sleep on their desks at night incase they were needed.

Now a burst water pipe and they fuck off for the weekend.
This was a scheduled day off. The burst pipe just curtailed yesterday's business.

Can't mess with their precious downtime, can we.
They are still working on the cross party agreement though. They met yesterday and are meeting today.

Last thing we need is 600+ people shouting at each other and deciding fuck all, so a day off at the HoC means nothing in the grand scheme of things. The hope is the meeting between the Tory and Labour ministers will come up with something that May actually agrees on (not much hope there though). Her talks with Corbyn will be next to useless.

Isn't the Friday off stuff to allow the MP's to return home and actually speak with the people they represent rather than a here, have a long weekend chaps you deserve it
The House has voted we can take the #CooperLetwinBill today! Govt Chief Whip announced we will take 2nd Reading shortly and the remaining stages on Monday. Looks like the filibuster has failed. I am so proud of all my colleagues who stayed and voted down every single amendment.

Maeve Sherlock Labour peer. Shadow DWP Minister, House of Lords.
The hope is the meeting between the Tory and Labour ministers will come up with something that May actually agrees on (not much hope there though).

Talks over as May refusing to comprimise on anything according to Labour. Great waste of 3 days that
Time for the Tories and Labour to oust their leaders by any means.
Lynching is usually frowned upon.

The simple fact is that May is totally safe for a year because Rees-Mogg has used the one confidence vote up. Fucking prick.