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Yep, appalling self interested nonsense from two of the biggest charlatans every seen in politics.
The EU limits the delay to 22nd May, they will need to really get cracking if they want to organise another referendum...
The EU limits the delay to 22nd May, they will need to really get cracking if they want to organise another referendum...

Or go for a long delay as nothing can get through.

May resigns and Reece-Mogg directs his minions to prepare for a 2 year stay in the Caribbean on daddy's private Island
The complete lack of self awareness these cunts have got is astounding. It's like it's just a giant wind up

There’s no one looking even remotely statesmanlike, it’s amazing how poor all of them are. You’d hope someone would have stepped up, but everyone seems to have stepped down to this bottom level.
There’s no one looking even remotely statesmanlike, it’s amazing how poor all of them are. You’d hope someone would have stepped up, but everyone seems to have stepped down to this bottom level.

The only ones who have shown anything are the 11 who quit to form their group. Shame more haven't had the bollocks to joins them
There’s no one looking even remotely statesmanlike, it’s amazing how poor all of them are. You’d hope someone would have stepped up, but everyone seems to have stepped down to this bottom level.

There was three options really, piss off 17m, piss off 16m or try and appease 33m. Instead though, they've just pissed off 33m.
Why do we need another referendum? We had one, the result was quite clear. Is this just another case of Remoaners feeling like they have been railroaded by 'a bunch of northern losers'. So far, 650,000 or so have signed this new petition, big deal, it is still a long way from over 17million.

How many more votes do we need? Is democracy in this country completely dead?

Whenever a vote goes against someone, do they get to throw their toys out of the pram and scream and scream until they are sick, or get a re-vote.

This is exactly how the EU works, remember the result of the Irish and Danish referenda on the Lisbon treaty. The EU just pissed about and made life difficult until they both re ran the vote, with a different result. See any similarities?

I don't think there has ever been any intention on the part of our poiticians to genuinely seek an exit, too many of them are bought and paid for by the EU. The most unDemocratic institution in the world, a bully boy and run by faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who are accountable to no one.

If that is the world in which you wish to live, so be it, sign another pointless petition.

What I require is for our MP's to remember that they work for us, not rule us, and DO WHAT THEY WERE FUCKING TOLD.

Deep breath, rant over, won't be interjecting again or my head will explode.
Why do we need another referendum? We had one, the result was quite clear. Is this just another case of Remoaners feeling like they have been railroaded by 'a bunch of northern losers'. So far, 650,000 or so have signed this new petition, big deal, it is still a long way from over 17million.

How many more votes do we need? Is democracy in this country completely dead?

Whenever a vote goes against someone, do they get to throw their toys out of the pram and scream and scream until they are sick, or get a re-vote.

This is exactly how the EU works, remember the result of the Irish and Danish referenda on the Lisbon treaty. The EU just pissed about and made life difficult until they both re ran the vote, with a different result. See any similarities?

I don't think there has ever been any intention on the part of our poiticians to genuinely seek an exit, too many of them are bought and paid for by the EU. The most unDemocratic institution in the world, a bully boy and run by faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who are accountable to no one.

If that is the world in which you wish to live, so be it, sign another pointless petition.

What I require is for our MP's to remember that they work for us, not rule us, and DO WHAT THEY WERE FUCKING TOLD.

Deep breath, rant over, won't be interjecting again or my head will explode.

While I can appreciate your argument, I think this is more than simply a case of the losers wanting to keep voting until the 'right' result emerges. A second vote now would be fundamentally different from the first in that everyone would now know exactly what they were voting for, i.e. not just leave/remain but leave and X will happen / remain and Y will happen. No one gave us any (true) facts the first time round, probably largely because no one really knew them. What I don't understand is why people claiming to support the will of the people are so against discovering what the will of the people actually is NOW. Surely that's more relevant than the result of an uninformed choice three years ago.

The petition site is back up, by the way.
You want us to continue on this course because of an advisory vote three years ago which had it been legally binding, would have been found to be illegal and void, despite everything you've seen since 2016.

Ok then.

By the way, the irony of this given our Prime Minister's behaviour:

Whenever a vote goes against someone, do they get to throw their toys out of the pram and scream and scream until they are sick, or get a re-vote.
hammond has advised that sweeteners for the DUP can't be ruled out.

so essentially, may is looking to buy votes for her pm ship. again.
Why do we need another referendum? .

Since the vote it every credible economist has stated that whatever form of Brexit leaves the country worse off economically. Even Rees Mogg and the likes don't argue about this.

You and the other 17m might be quite happy about that but when jobs are lost and living standards start to fall I'm not sure that it will be seen to be a price worth paying. I just pray that enough people from outside of the EU will be able to come over here, pick our fruit and the wipe the arses of our elderly as there won't be the numbers to do those tasks. At least some of the slack can be made up from those who will lose their jobs in manufacturing in the event of a no deal Brexit.
Why do we need another referendum? We had one, the result was quite clear. Is this just another case of Remoaners feeling like they have been railroaded by 'a bunch of northern losers'. So far, 650,000 or so have signed this new petition, big deal, it is still a long way from over 17million.

How many more votes do we need? Is democracy in this country completely dead?

Whenever a vote goes against someone, do they get to throw their toys out of the pram and scream and scream until they are sick, or get a re-vote.

This is exactly how the EU works, remember the result of the Irish and Danish referenda on the Lisbon treaty. The EU just pissed about and made life difficult until they both re ran the vote, with a different result. See any similarities?

I don't think there has ever been any intention on the part of our poiticians to genuinely seek an exit, too many of them are bought and paid for by the EU. The most unDemocratic institution in the world, a bully boy and run by faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who are accountable to no one.

If that is the world in which you wish to live, so be it, sign another pointless petition.

What I require is for our MP's to remember that they work for us, not rule us, and DO WHAT THEY WERE FUCKING TOLD.

Deep breath, rant over, won't be interjecting again or my head will explode.

I would argue the case for another referendum on the basis that the mess we are in now is caused by the Leave campaign promising an outcome that was entirely fictional and not capable of being delivered - as proved in the "negotiations" since. Then you also have to factor in the fact that had the referendum been legally binding the result would have been declared void and illegal due to criminal activity on the Leave side. As it was non-binding then we are allowed to be held to it.

The only outcomes for leaving are May's deal or No Deal. May's deal doesn't please anybody as it is just a watered down version of leaving that is effectively saying 'we have honoured the will of the people' without really leaving the EU as such. In my opinion anybody who is in favour of No Deal and wants to JUST LEAVE is either a) personally profiting from a No Deal Brexit b) doesn't really understand the implications of No Deal or c) is so blinded by bigotry and hatred of the EU that they don't actually care about the ramifications of No Deal.
Signed the petition but not had the confirmation email, so there must still be some issues.
I would argue the case for another referendum on the basis that the mess we are in now is caused by the Leave campaign promising an outcome that was entirely fictional and not capable of being delivered - as proved in the "negotiations" since. Then you also have to factor in the fact that had the referendum been legally binding the result would have been declared void and illegal due to criminal activity on the Leave side. As it was non-binding then we are allowed to be held to it.

The only outcomes for leaving are May's deal or No Deal. May's deal doesn't please anybody as it is just a watered down version of leaving that is effectively saying 'we have honoured the will of the people' without really leaving the EU as such. In my opinion anybody who is in favour of No Deal and wants to JUST LEAVE is either a) personally profiting from a No Deal Brexit b) doesn't really understand the implications of No Deal or c) is so blinded by bigotry and hatred of the EU that they don't actually care about the ramifications of No Deal.

Well said, that man!