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Commentators seems to think this is the precursor to a no deal as the Parliamentary vote only ruled out no deal at the end of March

So the 3 month extension is useless then?

T-Bag (to the EU) - Can I have an extension to Article 50 please?
EU - Probably but what extension do you need and why?
T-Bag - 3 Months to get the withdrawal agreement through Parliament.
EU - How will you do that?
T-Bag - I'll get those who want no deal or no backstop to vote for it.
EU - Why would those who want no deal vote for the deal on the basis that if the deal is defeated they get no deal?
We know that they are all liars but.....

IDS - Any delay creates a bow wave of problems, not just for the government here but for the governing party and, frankly, for all those people who voted to leave thinking ... we would leave on March 29.

....erm where was 29/03/2019 on the referendum paper? Did it not only come into play after Article 50 was triggered which was many moths after the vote?
How can you make the worst possible move every single time?
I can only presume she is saying the 3 months are enable prep for No Deal.

She can't go back and say I am going to try and persuade people to vote for my deal as she can no longer put that forward.

Apparently Corbyn has already told his MP's if they get to vote on a longer delay, then to vote against it.
It's just stupidity on all counts from her.

Why would the ERG/DUP vote for her deal if she brings it back next week or whatever, there's no pressure on them to.

Why would the EU accept that extension given that nothing is likely to change.

Why would the EU allow us to stay until June 30 rather than May 23 (EU elections).

Why can she not see that the current deadlock will never change unless we more or less start again.

She's pathetic. A tin eared, thick as mince, dogmatic, borderline dictatorial, racist moron.
The only one I can answer is why EU would accept until June 30th. Even though the elections are in May, they don't take their seats until July which is why she can request until June 30th
But if we're in till June,do we elect MEPs,and what happens to them when we leave in June,do they stay on.
The only one I can answer is why EU would accept until June 30th. Even though the elections are in May, they don't take their seats until July which is why she can request until June 30th

But if we get to June 30 and nothing is done, and we need ANOTHER extension (or we commit to a referendum, or we have a GE at which point everything is up in the air, or we revoke A50 altogether), what happens then? We have no MEPs and we're still in the EU.
But if we get to June 30 and nothing is done, and we need ANOTHER extension (or we commit to a referendum, or we have a GE at which point everything is up in the air, or we revoke A50 altogether), what happens then? We have no MEPs and we're still in the EU.

Fucked if I know! The whole thing is a shambles. Her plan I think is extend until then, try and somehow get her deal through, and hope enough MP's go for it. It wouldn't surprise me if we hit June 30th, nothing is agreed and we stay in the EU with no MEP's. Seems about right considering the crap we've seen for the last 3 years.
I hope the EU tell her to get fucked, that letter is a disgrace.
I hope the EU tell her to get fucked, that letter is a disgrace.

She's like a petulant teenager who has been grounded.

Very very worried that we're sleepwalking towards no deal now - the EU absolutely should tell her to get fucked, there's no time for her to negotiate another deal (which she's shown no intent to do anyway) so we either pull the plug on the whole thing or we nosedive into the clusterfuck that is no deal purely because of the government's incompetence and the PM's dictatorial arrogance.

And let's face it, we're not going to revoke A50.
But if we're in till June,do we elect MEPs,and what happens to them when we leave in June,do they stay on.

Well thats another can of worms, they have re-allocated your MEP's for the next parliament, so for instance I think Ireland get an extra 2. So if you do stop in then fuck knows what happens.

They may have to hold new elections not just for you but for the other affected countries if you are stopping around, then there is the legal jargon, I dont think the EU can make any legislations for 28 members when only 27 have a say in drawing them up.
So... if the extension is agreed and Britain is still in the E.U. in May, that means Britain will have to vote in the European elections, right?

Wow..... that is deliciously ironic.

Parliament has already said that leaving without a deal on 29 March is unacceptable. So that shouldn't happen, although an extension could see it happen at a later date.

Bercow has made it abundantly clear that T-Bag deal will not get another vote so that deal is also off the table in the same timescale.

If the EU come back with the reply that the only way to get an extension is to revoke a50 before no deal kicks in on 29 March, isn't May rather snookered?
She isn't snookered really....we are. Regardless of what was said last week if the EU reject it and we do nowt else then we crash out on the 29th.

What happens all comes down to May. If she puts the Country first we will might be ok but if she puts the ERG & DUP first to ensure she keeps her job then we are fucked.
If she deliberately crashed out against the will of parliament she wouldn't last a day.

Amazing really that throwing around shit like this didn't work.

Even more of a clown than that suit makes her look.