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Basically T-Boz has some chance of getting the WA through IF she agrees to go more or less straight away. She is ridiculously obstinate and literal minded though so I can't see that happening. Worse still, she seems to think stubbornness is a quality to be admired. I don't think she ever understood what Ken Clarke was saying when he called her a "bloody difficult woman". It wasn't a compliment, grudging or otherwise. It was a polite way of calling her a twat who's impossible to work with.
Corbyn interviewed on Sky News:

Do you want to leave the EU?

Corbyn: I want to have a serous relationship with the EU.

That’s not what I asked.

Corbyn: I know it’s not what you asked but it’s what I’m trying to help you say.

He's fucking woeful.
What I will never understand is why politicians think it is better to desperately avoid answering questions rather than just giving a straight answer. It makes them look like the morons they clearly are.

So in this example, if Corbyn says yes, I do want to stay in the EU, what is he worried about that being reported? I know he is a 'eurosceptic' so maybe he doesn't want to lie but if that is the case, you have to question your own views if you don't want to say them publically?

It does my fucking head in anyway.
You're not the only one YW.

In trying to appeal to everybody they alienate everybody.
Bercow has warned Theresa against bringing back the same deal unless it is substantially different
Bercow has warned Theresa against bringing back the same deal unless it is substantially different

They will change the font and text size on the withdrawal agreement again then. Old skool trick worked on the 2nd vote so gotta work again
They will change the font and text size on the withdrawal agreement again then. Old skool trick worked on the 2nd vote so gotta work again

Maybe get Davey D back on the team, an expert in nicking stuff straight from Wiki and lamping it in incongruous places.

Laura Kuenssberg

One govt minister tells me Bercow is ‘breaking the constitution’ by stopping them putting forward another vote on the deal

Anyone got a copy of this constitution he speaks of?
Laura Kuenssberg

Meanwhile solicitor general, Robert Buckland says Parliament might have to prorogue - ie pack up and start again in another session - says speaker is ‘interventionist’ and ‘tensions of brexit’ are starting to bite

How long would it take for this to happen?
The Queen has to do it. So hopefully she tells the hateful old boot to stick it.
Also arguments are raging whether or not failed amendments to government motions should also be ruled out on the same basis. I'd say not based that they aren't bills in their own rights.

The chancellor has stated that cross house agreement is needed, the leader of the opposition has said the same as have all of the other parties in the house except the DUP nutjobs and the ERG. Will it happen.............??
Take a bow Bercow! Absolutely fantastic news. Can't wait to hear ERG members complaining about not being allowed to vote yes to something they've already had the chance to do so twice. Looks like May has kicked the can too hard and it's ricocheted back straight into her face!
The ERG seem to be in favour of what Bercow has done, under the impression it makes no deal more likely.
Take a bow Bercow! Absolutely fantastic news. Can't wait to hear ERG members complaining about not being allowed to vote yes to something they've already had the chance to do so twice. Looks like May has kicked the can too hard and it's ricocheted back straight into her face!

A couple of them whining that Bercow should have warned them ahead of MV2. Utter, utter nonsense. How on earth could he do that, he's not a mind reader.

The ERG seem to be in favour of what Bercow has done, under the impression it makes no deal more likely.

Good to know they're still as stupid as ever.

Would that also now rule out another vote on Ref2?

I think Kyle-Wilson is substantially different to the Wollaston motion.
The Ref vote was on an amendment rather than a bill too - would imagine that makes a difference?
From the Guardian

May to write to Tusk requesting article 50 extension, Brexit minister tells MPs
We are now on the urgent question about Brexit.

Justine Greening, the Tory pro-European, asks for a statement about the article 50 extension procedure.

Kwasi Kwarteng, the Brexit minister, says the government will seek to negotiate an article 50 extension.

He says, although article 50 does not say how a country should seek an article 50 extension, Theresa May will write to Donald Tusk, the European council president, with a request.

It is expected the European council will discuss this at the summit later this week.

If it agrees an extension, a statutory instrument will be laid next week. It will have to be passed by MPs and by peers, he says.