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This is interesting on that point:


Wouldn't want to overestimate their fear of no deal tho. They probably could afford to just say 'fuck it' especially given the number of UK businesses already moving to the EU.
Actually its a complete joke albeit a costly one.

May is political posturing in the extreme not for the benefit of the country but for her and the tories
Corbyn remains conspicuous by his absence
Jeane Claude Wancker continues to be as helpful as bacteria in a hospital

ALL SIDES have had three years to sort this shit or at least try and compromise and all sides have singularly and spectacular failed to show anything other than a complete self interest. May , Corbyn, Rees Mogg, Cameron, Farage, Jean-Claude, Merkel none of them deserve any respect and I truly hope they get what they deserve.

This should never ever have been as hard as it has been made. Never. All sides are at fault. Brexiters for voting it blind, remainers for such a shit campaign and then spending three years trying to change it, Politicians for incompetence that knows no bounds. Three years ago there was talk of a "Norway" style brexit. It was pilloried and binned off. It looks like fucking utopia now in comparison to the choices of Mays deal or no deal brexit. Pathetic effort all round.
Over the

I think you are incorrect on the point highlighted. Europe feels that the comprehensive customs union is workable and with a free vote it would probably command a majority in the house. It is only the current occupier of 10 Downing Street with her red lines and her objective of keeping the Tory Party together first that is preventing a deal being done.
Interesting in a morbid, macabre way. However, all this is interesting as no one had [tried] left the EU, and this may set the precedent or example.

No offense meant, of course.

So yes, like cock hammering then. :)
It would be interesting to see what Europe's response would be if we voted no deal tonight. We won't of course, but my guess is is they'd sign up to the mythical technology deal on the Irish border rather than genuinely face no deal at the end of the month.

In this whole negotiation 60% of the movement to get compromise was on the UK and 40% was on the EU. So far both sides have tweaked it about 10%.

I have £10k
The car costs 12K
The garage will offer me finance for the other 2k

So we then talk about getting the price to 11k and we all win thanks to a bit of compromise. The garage get a cut albeit smaller, the finance company get some buslness albeit smaller and whilst I went over budget I deliver the car.

Thats how brexit should have been negotiated. Reasonably. The EU made it unnecessaily hard. The tories made it all about clinging on to power.
I think you are incorrect on the point highlighted. Europe feels that the comprehensive customs union is workable and with a free vote it would probably command a majority in the house. It is only the current occupier of 10 Downing Street with her red lines and her objective of keeping the Tory Party together first that is preventing a deal being done.

This. I don't think Labour have covered themselves in glory, but if TM hadn't come on like an angry teacher with her red lines all over the place, we wouldn't be here. The EU have said if the UK's red lines change, then it can all be rethought.
Three years ago there was talk of a "Norway" style brexit. It was pilloried and binned off. It looks like fucking utopia now in comparison to the choices of Mays deal or no deal brexit.

While I agree that a Norway option is considerably better than anything else currently on the table, what would be the point of it? We would still have to accept the 'four freedoms' of the EU. It would basically be pretty much the same as being in the EU but without being able to influence anything, surely? It would be a pointless waste of the last 3 years and we'd be much better off staying in the EU.
So yes, like cock hammering then. :)

In my case, it would be more like watching a youtube video of someone attempting a double backflip jump from a one storey building. Everyone knows it will end in a world of pain but it is hilarious anyway. :icon_razz:
Norway IS a totally pointless compromise that satisfies absolutely no one. Better off staying in.
It seems a long time that anyone actually had the gall to argue that any form of exit would be better than staying in.
Cyber why are you always blaming the EU? Did they ask us to leave? They've stuck to what they have always said was acceptable, protecting the pillars and their members. Its cunts like you that believed cunts like bojo that are to blame, not the EU or remainers ffs.

If I ask Taylor Swift to marry me and she says no, it doesn't make her a bitch no matter how many times I ask.
In this whole negotiation 60% of the movement to get compromise was on the UK and 40% was on the EU. So far both sides have tweaked it about 10%.

I have £10k
The car costs 12K
The garage will offer me finance for the other 2k

So we then talk about getting the price to 11k and we all win thanks to a bit of compromise. The garage get a cut albeit smaller, the finance company get some buslness albeit smaller and whilst I went over budget I deliver the car.

Thats how brexit should have been negotiated. Reasonably. The EU made it unnecessarily hard. The tories made it all about clinging on to power.

Nope. You literally had fuck all bargaining power, and you are complaining that the EU made it hard? What did you expect? They were hardly going to bend over backwards to accommodate Britain, when Britain could not and would not clearly outline exactly what it wanted from the withdrawal, so blaming the EU for making it difficult is childish levels of stupidity and you really need to stop burying your head in the sand as this was what was always going to happen, from the moment Britain announced it was leaving, the EU was always in the driving seat so trying to blame them for making it difficult is funny...
In this whole negotiation 60% of the movement to get compromise was on the UK and 40% was on the EU. So far both sides have tweaked it about 10%.

I have £10k
The car costs 12K
The garage will offer me finance for the other 2k

So we then talk about getting the price to 11k and we all win thanks to a bit of compromise. The garage get a cut albeit smaller, the finance company get some buslness albeit smaller and whilst I went over budget I deliver the car.

Thats how brexit should have been negotiated. Reasonably. The EU made it unnecessaily hard. The tories made it all about clinging on to power.

In your example, the garage benefits financially by loaning you the remaining pounds. It isn't a good metaphor as there isn't a benefit for the EU to facilitate brexit.

They've been nothing but coherent through this process. The UK, T-Bag and her redlines, were the biggest issue to the negotiations as they were too extreme and completely unacceptable to the EU.

Maybe the whole thing should have started with "okay, let's make this work. here are our first thoughts. Present yours." and negotiate from there. Not "here are our terms, we will not go beyond this and this and this and this".

Edit: wow, DDW, synched euroboys.
I know that this issue in particular can cause emotions to run high, but for the sake of younger forum readers and any others that may be offended by it can we try and cut out throwing c-bombs around the place please. I don't believe that it adds to the debate or that we should be calling other members by this word either. It has been noted of late that it is appearing in a number of threads.
Cyber why are you always blaming the EU? Did they ask us to leave? They've stuck to what they have always said was acceptable, protecting the pillars and their members. Its cunts like you that believed cunts like bojo that are to blame, not the EU or remainers ffs.

If I ask Taylor Swift to marry me and she says no, it doesn't make her a bitch no matter how many times I ask.

Firstly a point of order. Dont call me a c**t. I dont resort to personal insults (often if ever)so I expect a similar standard of behaviour in return.

Secondly, the EU are 40% complicit in that they shafted dish face 100% when he went for the talks in February 2016 meaning that he was completely unable to deliver what he had promised in 2013. To argue otherwise is ignorant.

Let me put this simply.

A man beats his wife. She asks him to stop. He does for a short while but then he starts again. The wife complains. the man says youre married to me put up or shut up, stay or leave. She leaves. Its her fault?
He shouldn't have promised that then, should he.

If I promise to have you a 20,000 word piece on Dean Saunders written by tomorrow and I don't do it (basically I couldn't), then that is my fault for overpromising and underdelivering.
Firstly a point of order. Dont call me a c**t. I dont resort to personal insults (often if ever)so I expect a similar standard of behaviour in return.

Secondly, the EU are 40% complicit in that they shafted dish face 100% when he went for the talks in February 2016 meaning that he was completely unable to deliver what he had promised in 2013. To argue otherwise is ignorant.

Let me put this simply.

A man beats his wife. She asks him to stop. He does for a short while but then he starts again. The wife complains. the man says youre married to me put up or shut up, stay or leave. She leaves. Its her fault?

Domestic violence and assault are criminal offenses. She should have reported the beating to the police. The EU did not practice any crime against the UK.
Firstly a point of order. Dont call me a c**t. I dont resort to personal insults (often if ever)so I expect a similar standard of behaviour in return.

Secondly, the EU are 40% complicit in that they shafted dish face 100% when he went for the talks in February 2016 meaning that he was completely unable to deliver what he had promised in 2013. To argue otherwise is ignorant.

Let me put this simply.

A man beats his wife. She asks him to stop. He does for a short while but then he starts again. The wife complains. the man says youre married to me put up or shut up, stay or leave. She leaves. Its her fault?

That's a fatuous and pretty offensive analogy.

We already had a veto on pretty much every part of EU policy, the whole thing was pointless - WE (as in Thatcher) wanted free movement of people, goods and services and then 20 years later her voters realised they were racists all along. They need to own and accept the blame and be honest that they are a very much a self centred bunch of [whatever that word is]
He shouldn't have promised that then, should he.

If I promise to have you a 20,000 word piece on Dean Saunders written by tomorrow and I don't do it (basically I couldn't), then that is my fault for overpromising and underdelivering.

Agree it would be rather difficult to summarise all you have already written about him down to 20,000 words :)
Agree it would be rather difficult to summarise all you have already written about him down to 20,000 words :)

Oh he'll get his some day, don't worry about that. But not today, I'm busy.
That's a fatuous and pretty offensive analogy.

We already had a veto on pretty much every part of EU policy, the whole thing was pointless - WE (as in Thatcher) wanted free movement of people, goods and services and then 20 years later her voters realised they were racists all along. They need to own and accept the blame and be honest that they are a very much a self centred bunch of [whatever that word is]

ahh, youre not offended when I get called a C... but youre greviously wounded by the simple analogy. Hypocrite.

Thank you for aptly demostrating why we are , collectively , no nearer to a solution than we were three years ago. At least I have tried to move my views to compromise. Some on here have not budged 1 iota. Well , unfortunately as the cliff moves near we are in the territory that both sides feared. I never ever thought we would leave with no deal.