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Motions need to be placed for indicative votes showing that a majority in the house can be found. Thsee should be free votes too with all options available.

Without that I can a see no deal being ruled out followed by the EU not agreeing to an extension followed by the meaningful vote part 3. A straight choice between no deal and t bags deal, and t bags deal goes through.

From what T Bag was saying she has go to give the EU a reason to extend and that is where the 2nd ref comes in. If she goes to the EU asks for an extension because, well just because they will send her packing but if the MP's have decided to send it back to the people they will extend.
I can’t see a grounds for meaningful three. Why be told your idea is still cunt soup like it was this time and the time before? What is the point of that?
Tamara Cohen
Meaningful vote 3... don’t discount it. Was discussed at cabinet today.

One source tells me Leadsom suggested doing it tomorrow (PM not keen) and Grayling suggested Thursday.

Idea that no deal warnings tomorrow could swing it.
The remain campaign misjudged the will of the people. Their memories of Cameron pre 2010 saying how the Lisbon treaty needed fundamental and significant change to be acceptable to Britain. His failure to deliver any meaningful change yet head the remain campaign was, in hindsight, an own goal. Corbyns failure to unite a labour vote is another own goal. His changing opinions was proved to be divisive.Markets like stair lifts can go mup as well as down. Let the dust settle. What the result does give me is a little more faith in the British system showing the people when pissed off can cause a real upset. Now politicians from all sides need to earn their corn and come up with a plan for exit and the future. Sturgeon may well go for a referendum but the economic case is really really poor as on its own Scotland meet very few criteria to join the EU. Now is the time for the United Kingdom to unite and show its mettle.

Naturally we are from different sides of this debate but I pretty much agree with all your post. I have seen, like you, markets rise and fall. Whatever the result there was going to be a period of false positive or false negative. Its the true colours that will come out over the next three months. France saying they want Britain to go and go quickly was very telling. Malcolm Rifkind remain campaigner saying on 5 live that we should not have joined in the first place and have spent 20 years being a pain to the other big member states. Whilst I accept that some people have done this for the wrong reasons I do believe and have always believed that they have done the right thing for the wrong reasons. I will put money that the closing price for the £ against the $ on 22nd June 2016 will be no lower than the closing price on the 22nd June 2017 and be even higher come 2018. The same with the euro. The by product of this is that those in the EU who thought this remain was a done deal have to think again and hopefully that will lead to some moderation. As I have said from the start you are either all in or all out- none of these half measures . The next 2 years will be an interesting journey but one I believe will end up with us as a UK nation in a better position that we were as a member.
The markets have rallied slightly. The FTSE is 2.5 % down . In the greater scheme of things that could be made up by the end of July. The Bank Of England reacted well. It really is time for the UK to unite. Stop the talk of further break offs. Scotland do not want to leave. They know where their bread is buttered. NI wont want to leave. They just want a sensible border arrangement. There are some difficult but not insurmountable short term to medium term issues. But together we can get there. Now lets hope for a Home nation Euro 2016 win!

I truly believe Britain is and will continue to be one of the most if not the most tolerant and diverse country in the world long after we have left the union. It is part of what makes us great. As regards racists- yes there are plenty in the UK. There are plenty in the USA too. There are plenty everywhere. What the uk has shown by and larege over the last 30 years is that racism is not the norm and will not be generally tolerated, same as sexism. There are a hell of a lot more nationlistic countries that the UK . Poland and Croatia for starters!

There are people I really dont like. They can be male, female black white straight or Gay. I dont like them for reasons other than anything to do with their race, sex prefernce or gender .

Out of 650 MPs about 150 from all parties were in the leave camp.realistically only they can enthusiastically get on with the task of implementing the will of the people. Both major parties have shown a real lack of solidarity to uphold the will of the people so far. If they don't like what is happening stand down and trigger by elections. Trigger 20 of those and it's bye bye majority should tory seats get lost.

Yes it is a mess. All divorces are messy. There are no winners only degrees of losing. Cameron was aware of that when he called a referendum.Eu leaders were aware of that when they kicked his arse on reform and changes. That was where this was lost. If the changes requested in February had been made and ratified remain would have won by a landslide!
I am so far unimpressed with the limp leadership from all sides with regard to what happens next but accept it is early days. Politicians need to grow a set sand get on with the job mandated by the people. Sturgeon will be doing just that for Scotland. She may however find the people are referendumed out

Carswell is already bringing a moderate voice to the table. Farages wish was to get a referendum and win. That achieved a new leader in waiting would be an MP. That is Carswell. UKIP now have to re-invent themselves as a political party not a protest group and as such will need more meat on their policies. That was always the case whatever the result of the referendum. What is alarming is the juxtapositioning of those in the main parties looking for furtherment opportunities rather than providing the country with a modicum of re-assurance. The bank did that Friday morning but little else has been said over the weekend.

In the 90's I was a supporter of the social democrats. When they morphed to the lib dems I went elsewhere. Dont be surprised if something similar happens again here. Moderate UKIP and Brexit Tories with the centre of Labour could pheasably break away and form another party that could have a more moderate voice and contain enough clout to be listened too.

This is Nick Boles and other cross party MPs plan:


Seems fairly reasonable, if pointless.

Well that's nearly three years to get to this and these posts are from June 2016. The independent group are here and now we have the Norway style deal many of us suggested 3 years ago. Ho hum
Well that's nearly three years to get to this and these posts are from June 2016. The independent group are here and now we have the Norway style deal many of us suggested 3 years ago. Ho hum

You voted for Brexit mate, this mess is partly your fault.
You voted for Brexit mate, this mess is partly your fault.

Oh I get that. I find it ironic that in 3 years of fighting, the Norway style compromise that many leavers were OK with is now seen as streets ahead of the shambles of a non deal T Bag has negotiated. Still, live and learn eh?
She campaigned for Remain obviously, but everything beyond that point is suggesting that the poor negotiations and voting disasters were some cunning plan to make sure it didn't happen. I mean, come on! This is her legacy and political career destroyed.
Therein lies the difference between incompetence and intent
It's a cunning plan to get her deal through,batter everyone into submission until we all just go "you know what,just do what the fuck you want,just get it over with"

Tariffs to be slashed on non-EU imports in a no-deal, plus imposed on EU products. Awesome levels of stupidity.

I think it might actually be the stupid cunts wanting to leave who need to do a rapid volte-face.

I am also feed up to the back teeth of hearing about the 17.4 million. What about the 16.8 million?

I think it might actually be the stupid cunts wanting to leave who need to do a rapid volte-face.

I am also feed up to the back teeth of hearing about the 17.4 million. What about the 16.8 million?

This is a race, you lost. Bugger off to some other country, you losing remoaner! Baw baw!

Sorry, think this would be something they would say.

Should no deal be entirely rejected, which I hope but won't be putting my hands in the fire for anything related to Brexit anymore, things might get real interesting.

With no deal dead, possible rejection of extension, they will either have to move to 2nd ref or try a third time for the deal. As no new negotiations are going to be accepted.

This is a race, you lost. Bugger off to some other country, you losing remoaner! Baw baw!

Sorry, think this would be something they would say.

Should no deal be entirely rejected, which I hope but won't be putting my hands in the fire for anything related to Brexit anymore, things might get real interesting.

With no deal dead, possible rejection of extension, they will either have to move to 2nd ref or try a third time for the deal. As no new negotiations are going to be accepted.


Interesting in the same way as smashing your own cock with a hammer is interesting
This is a race, you lost. Bugger off to some other country, you losing remoaner! Baw baw!

Sorry, think this would be something they would say.

Should no deal be entirely rejected, which I hope but won't be putting my hands in the fire for anything related to Brexit anymore, things might get real interesting.

With no deal dead, possible rejection of extension, they will either have to move to 2nd ref or try a third time for the deal. As no new negotiations are going to be accepted.


Actually its a complete joke albeit a costly one.

May is political posturing in the extreme not for the benefit of the country but for her and the tories
Corbyn remains conspicuous by his absence
Jeane Claude Wancker continues to be as helpful as bacteria in a hospital

ALL SIDES have had three years to sort this shit or at least try and compromise and all sides have singularly and spectacular failed to show anything other than a complete self interest. May , Corbyn, Rees Mogg, Cameron, Farage, Jean-Claude, Merkel none of them deserve any respect and I truly hope they get what they deserve.

This should never ever have been as hard as it has been made. Never. All sides are at fault. Brexiters for voting it blind, remainers for such a shit campaign and then spending three years trying to change it, Politicians for incompetence that knows no bounds. Three years ago there was talk of a "Norway" style brexit. It was pilloried and binned off. It looks like fucking utopia now in comparison to the choices of Mays deal or no deal brexit. Pathetic effort all round.
Over the
Interesting in the same way as smashing your own cock with a hammer is interesting

Interesting in a morbid, macabre way. However, all this is interesting as no one had [tried] left the EU, and this may set the precedent or example.

No offense meant, of course.
It would be interesting to see what Europe's response would be if we voted no deal tonight. We won't of course, but my guess is is they'd sign up to the mythical technology deal on the Irish border rather than genuinely face no deal at the end of the month.