Pretty clear that I wanted us to stay in the EU, still do if we can somehow manufacture that situation (it's not beyond the realms of possibility). However:
a) I don't want a second referendum, firstly on the basis that referenda are simply an awful democratic tool in the first place and I never want one ever again on any subject, and also because the result is what it is, I might not like it but that's life, you can't re-run it forever until you get a result you like (you might say there's a case for putting the final deal to the public, but I would still resist that idea as essentially, they haven't got a clue what any of it means, you might as well get me to pick my three favourite Game of Thrones episodes when I've never watched it)
b) I voted Green because I agree with their policies on social justice, welfare, how the workforce is evolving, the NHS and a host of other things. They won't win, they have 0% chance here even if we didn't have FPTP, but I like having them as an alternative voice and the more deposits they keep, the more chance they can grow. I didn't vote Labour because of doubts over Corbyn and his inner cabal principally (doubts that still exist), I didn't vote for the Tories because there's more chance of me setting up a Matt Doherty fan club, chaired by Seyi Olofinjana than that ever happening, and I simply wouldn't vote for the Lib Dems under Farron because I don't feel that people with fundamentalist religious beliefs should be leading political parties in this country, irrespective of everything else. They were the only four options on my ballot. Brexit had absolutely zero impact on my vote.