Or conscientiously object.
Or move.
Ha! I'm supplying the heat meters for Battersea, they are already miles behind schedule.
Yep! That's why half are fucking off. Its gone sour lol
I suggested that once and you went apoplectic lol!
Yes - you did.
I think I said something along the lines of "I was born here, why should I have to move" as I remember.
Trouble is, half a year of Brexit and move actually becomes rather appealing. I don't like what I am seeing in this country. I think this decision is going to fundamentally change the place and it won't be for the better. I may well be better off elsewhere. I hear Norway is nice, and tolerance is like a religion there, plus the food is good. Price of beer is a downside though...
Or more likely they are waiting to the £ to appreciate as a load of the materials are imported. They'll be waiting an age thanks to your friends.
Don't import them then. Can't help financial markets
As nice as that sounds loads have to be imported since a good proportion of our industry have been sacrificed to Nigel and his stockbroker mates.
Might be specified brands from the client.What materials must be imported and why?
What materials must be imported and why?
Our kit for a start. There's $#@! loads of stuff which isnt manufactured here - it's often bought here via disties, but someone somewhere has to take the hit on the exchange rate.
Well actually, not attempting to negotiate like a bunch of gimps bluffing when holding about an eight high and the other side has pocket rockets would probably do the world of good to that exchange rate.
You can't blame financial markets for a natural reaction to abject $#@!tardery.
IIRC UK Construction imports about 25% of it's materials?
Just because bad things happen in the EU does not make them because of the EU.Slave labour and exploitation in the EU.